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Optical Phenomena

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The other day I was photographing baby sandhill cranes through a chain link

fence. I was using a D200 with a 600mm w/a 1.4 on a tripod with the lense

shade about 2 inches from the fence. As I have previously experienced, the

photos show no evidence of the fence unless there would be a slight loss of

contrast that would have to be measured by instrumentation. However, it was a

dewy morning and when I downloaded the photos on the computer, some of the dew

drops 50-100 feet away showed the distinctive pattern of the chain link fence.

How and why?



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I think I have had someting similar While photographing a baseball pitcher from behind the

backstop. I was careful to shoot "through" the chainlink, using a 70-200mm. It was about 1

p.m. with sun directly overhead (an unusual time of day for a H.S. baseball game). I kept

getting flare off the chainlink. Could be, in your case, the sun was flaring off dew on the

fence. THe shade might not have helped at only two inches away. Just a thought.

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I'd guess it was a bokeh effect- you probably saw the fence pattern in the out of focus highlights of the distant dew drops. Remember folks, he's shooting with a 600mm lens. Makes faraway things big! You get an equivalent effect with mirror lenses- the central mirror creates donut shaped highlights.
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To clarify my question:

A. It was not flare off the lens

B. The camera lens combo was equal to 1260mm so I could see the drops.

C. There was no dew on the fence

D. In all the cases that I have seen where the water drop acts as a lens, the subject in the drop is behind the drop and not between the drop and the camera

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