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Brian Jessel BMW Cabriolet Charity Event


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Hey everyone. We had our annual charity Hugo Boss Fashion Show and Silent

Auction at work on Friday and I volunteered to take a few pics of the event

(there were 'pro' photographers attending as well as media also). These were

shot with my K10D and FA 27-70mm f/4 as well as my FA 50mm f/1.4 prime lens.

This is my first attempt shooting people. I normally shoot wildlife, and I

fairly new at that also.


Please let me know what you think. That's me working the hotties in IMGP6178, heh.


<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/bjbmwtech/sets/72157604415229590/">Linkie</a>




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Please excuse me for not going through all 208 pics, I would like to get some sleep tonight!


So let me get this straight, you were in a dimly lit hall, with huge windows <i>behind</i> the people, and with ceilings so high you couldn't really bounce any flash off them...and you <i>volunteered</i> to take photos. Is that correct?


You are a brave man, my friend. And you accomplished your mission well. I'm impressed your subjects aren't all washed out and suffering from severe red eye. You're a winner in my book. Also, I noticed that the only photo that was clearly underexposed was the one with you in it, which means you didn't take it :-)


On a side note, out of professional curiosity, who was that blonde lady in the green dress? You should try to get her to model for you, she's very photogenic.


Second side note: Would you buy a '96 325i with 200,000 miles on it if the engine and body are in good shape?

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Heh. Yea, the lighting was terrible. It was actually the showroom to our dealership. I shot all the pics in RAW so I could try and recover them if they weren't great. I volunteered for two reasons. Firstly, so I could get in to the event (it's definately above my pay grade), and because I needed the practice. What better way to challenge myself than to shoot in craptastic conditions, heh. I packed my Sigma EF-530 DG Super flash along and gave it a work out. The ceiling was far too high to bounce so I had to flash everything directly. To be honest, I don't remember having to correct any red-eye at all in ANY of the pictures.


The blond in the green dress you are referring to is Brian Jessel's girlfriend, and I am pretty sure he would kick my arse out the door and I would be shopping for a new job if I asked her to model for me, hahahaahahhaha.


The E36 3 series (1992-1999) is a good car as long as you stick to the later years of production (1996 would be ok), but bear in mind that just because the car is getting older doesn't mean the parts get cheaper. I can't tell you much about the one you are looking at without actually seeing it, but they aren't too problematic.

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"Mis: We aren't supposed to be selling cars on here! LOL"


I'm not selling, I'm buying! :-D (In fact, I already bought, so I hope the car turns out to last as long as those K1000 still floating around.)


"Miserere Mei: I upped the exposure on that pic with me in it, I think it looks better now (and no, I didn't take it)."


That's why I singled it out, because the only photo that wasn't correctly exposed was the only one you didn't take :-) Well done again, Cory.


That lady is the Boss's girlfriend? Even better! Do you know how fast you'd get a raise if you took some shots of her draped over a few BMW's? Organise it as a surprise gift for his birthday, make it a gift from *her*, not you. In this way you get to practice lighting cars, people, *and* you get on the Boss's good side. It's a win-win-win situation. :-)

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