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New to LF - dumb questions? but I don't know


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I just recieved a gift of a beautiful Omega 45D 4X5 camera with a 210 Rodenstock lens, case, dark cloth, 9 dual film holders, a poloroid back ... all the goodies. (All appear to be vitually new. I don't see them listed in the discussions, is it a good solid camera?




I know 35mm photography very well from the last 20 years, this is really intimidating. I have loaded the film holders, where do you go to process them in the midwest? I have no darkroom, was going to buy a tank to process, but articles here tend to indicate not to go that way. No one around here talks LF! Can anyone help me?

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For processing your own film, which is what I recommend, don't

overlook tupperware. I still use it occasionally for small runs of

special films like two exposures of HEI or techpan. Very convenient.

Jobo is nice but expensive. For normal runs of ten sheets or more I

have become a convert to a Unicolor drum and motorized base. They are

inexpensive on the net or used camera stores. I like it better than

what I've seen of the Jobo because with the Jobos I've seen you have

to take the end off every time you change chemicals. With the Uni drum

you don't have to. Don't be afraid to process your own film. Let me

know if you need help. James

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Tupperware is a good answer. You can shuffle films through a tray, or

for really low volume -- like 2 sheets at a time, get sandwich size

trays and jiggle them in the dark. I use the short wave station WWV

as my total-darkness timer.




Depending on where you are in the midwest, you might find a nearby lab

that can develop film for you. Look for "professional" or "full

service" labs under "photofinishing" in the yellow pages.




Another excellent way to work if you're just learning and have no

darkroom is Polaroid. Instant feedback is a wonderful thing

while learning large format. With type 55 you can get either an

instant print, or a negative that requires clearing in sodium sulfite

then washing. I say "either" because the film really has different

speeds depending on your desired result.




Lots of good LF toys are available from Calumet (1-800-calumet)

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You should probably start by shooting a few boxes of Polaroids. Type

52 can give you beautiful black and white prints and instant

gratification. For color, Fuji Quickload is a good option. It will

work with your Polaroid back but the dedicated holder is preferable.




You could read Steve Simmons book and the Kodak book on large format

photography. View camera magazine is good for general information and





Finally, when you get the blues lugging all this stuff around in full

view of the public (someone recently asked me if I was dressed for

Halloween when he saw me shrouded in a black cloth) you want to look

at some of the photographs of Weston, Adams, Strand, Cunningham, etc.

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