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How to process large number of photos

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I was wondering what I could use to speed up getting my photos on my website.

Right now I open them whit Microsoft Picuter Manager and compress them a few at

a time. I have lightroom, CS3 and want to be able to open a larger group of

pictures and compress them for my website. Also I put a watermark on them with

Photoshop Elements one at a time. Is there a way to also add a watermark to

photos a large group at a time?

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File -automate-batch


Write the action which is nothing more than a recording of the steps you use to process one image. Add it to the actions pallet which is next to the history on the same working pallet.






Two links on actions


Work froma duplicated file and place the completed pics in different folder. Then delete the dup folder. Experiment with one photo to make sure all is working.

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Lightroom will do all that. Look in the documentation for the details.


We typically use LR to Export for web, CD, 4x6 proofs and finished prints - all at the same time! We've got presets for all the formats we typically use. LR will add the watermark, too, but we use VBScript with Photoshop CS3 to add custom watermarks, borders and corner logos.


Adobe has manuals for VB, Javascript, and PS Actions.

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Yes, Lightroom will do the whole job.


Select all the photos you want to export in the Library Grid view. Go to File->Export. Set

the output naming, the location you want them to be, the sizing, colorspace and file

format, set the "add watermark" button. Click ok. Done.


While I typed that, Lightroom exported 500 JPEGs I'd selected for use in a presentation

project I'm working on. It's very easy.



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CS3 or CS2

File / Automate / Web Photo Gallery

It actually does a pretty good job, even with 1000 photos from a wedding. If you are good with html you can change the recipe for output.




<a href="http://www.richfrye.com"> www.richfrye.com</a>


<a href="http://www.richfryephotography.com"> www.richfryephotography.com</a>


<a href="http://www.elegantcaliforniaweddings.com"> www.elegantcaliforniaweddings.com</a>

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