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i have posted a photo of some flower petals on this website, and on my home pc

when i open it in windows picture and fax viewer its crystal clear, but after i

uploading, viewing it through photo.net, its very blurry, i dont want people to

get the wrong impression, its a great photo and crystal clear but for some

reason when i posted it, it looked like this....


somebody please help!

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That's the famous photo.net JPEG compression at work. It mostly affects reds. Complaints had been filed and ignored. You can avoid it by posting the photo with a width not exceeding 675 pixel or so.
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"Complaints had been filed and ignored."


That's a bit unfair. Photo.net admin have a long list of things to do, including site improvements and routine maintenance. Recently, just keeping the site running smoothly has been a chore. Prioritizing a list isn't the same thing as ignoring one's personal preferences. Occasionally they're able to break out of triage mode long enough to make improvements that other folks have been asking for.

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You uploaded an image that's 1500 pixels wide. You're leaving it up to a software robot to create a more browser/bandwidth-friendly version of it to show people unless they click on the "LARGER" link when viewing your image. Most people would still find 1500 pixels too large to view with lots of scrolling around, anway. So, upload a more modestly sized version, and be sure to appropriately sharpen the JPG for the size you ultimately render. I usually put up images in the 800-or-so pixel neighborhood. When photo.net renders the smaller thumbnails and mid-sized flavors of them, there isn't too much butchery.
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Lex, this issue is many years old -- I reckon it was first discussed even before the W/NW forum was opened. Back then we were promised that that the powers that be would take a good look at the compression algorithm and change its settings it won't compress this noticeably. Unfortunately, things haven't changed on "bit" and posting a reddish image in the W/NW forum or as an oversized image in the personal gallery is a sure-fire way to ruin a great picture.
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