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Help with cybershot H3 Flash (stopped)

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I've got a little Cybershot H3, which is a great wee camera...but I am

having problems regarding the flash.

What has happened, is the flash has stopped going automatically in the auto

settings. If you flip the flash up with your finger and use, it will still fire

okay, but otherwise it just won't use it if required.

It is not old, under warrantee, and has already been replaced once for exactly

the same problem. And was replaced, not repaired, so it seems odd it's happened


Is it something I'm doing? Is it a setting I've accidently hit, although I

don't know how, I've only changed the modes for different shots, nothing

else...and have reset back to factory default and still no luck.


Suggestions? I'm tempted to request a panasonic or something to replace this

time if it has to go back. Perhaps it's a bad batch.


Any advice welcome and appreciated



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