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Pocket non-electronic 35mm compacts


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I always carry a little camera in the pocket of my motorcycle jacket or in my briefcase respectively. After my second digital camera had gone south I made the radical decision to get something more solid. With view to one of my sons' birthday in summer I got a Rollei 35 SE which I like very much. And he will like it as well. But beware, it feels like a brick in your pocket. For myself I got a Zeiss Ikon Contessa which is a masterpiece of camera engineering. Something like a Leica doppelgaenger for your pocket. Love at first sight. Pictures are razor sharp. It's exactly what I had always wanted.
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<p>Trusty old Olympus Trip 35.....</p>


<a href=" title="OlympusTrip2 by Trevor Hare, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2050/2369082135_581b75e539.jpg" width="500" height="342" alt="OlympusTrip2" /></a>


<a href=" title="Untitled by Trevor Hare, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2228/2369079783_38feef65cb.jpg" width="500" height="370" alt="" /></a>

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That Trip 35 is quite a fascinating and inexpensive option as a little research on it has revealed. Thanks for posting that Trevor.


When all is said and done, I do keep coming back to the XA however, as it seems to have the weight and form factor to make it the most pocketable and convenient. Something tells me I'm going to end up with more than one of these suggestions eventually :)

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There don't seem to be many choices. My first thought was that my Isolette is the lightest, most pocketable, no-battery camera I own. Not 35mm, though.


The XAs are a bit quirky, sometimes the quality will peel layers off your eyeballs it is so good (I can speak for the XA and the XA2). And sometimes the vignetting is downright tragic, esp. if color. Just don't treat 'em rough, word from one who knows.


The 70s Rangefinders that work manually without battery are a good choice. Mine's a Canonet GIII. There are probably a few smaller. Depends on the size of your pocket.


Got the high bid on a Trip 35. We'll see how that goes.


I'm thinking 35mm folders might fit your requirements. Try the Classic Camera forum.

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Well predictably, I've ended up buying both an XA and a Trip 35. The Trip 35 is through tripman.com and it's had the light seals replaced and has had the meter and functions checked out. Plus he replaced the leatherette with actual cowhide.. no I didn't go for the red snakeskin (but to be honest, I was tempted). Not expensive in spite of all this.


And secondly I did a buy it now, on a claimed "like new" XA with the smaller A1l flash and an original case. I'm not a collector, but I guess I am sort of a sucker for stuff like this..


I'm in trouble now.


The folders were another consideration.. but I better stop for now for the sake of domestic tranquility. I used to own a Canonet Q17 .. nice camera as well as my intro to RF's and my favorite focal length at around 40mm (really like 42mm I think?) (well actually my real intro was a Yashica G that I inherited from an uncle a long time ago)


But the Canonet is still a bit heavier than I want. Not sure how the trip 35 will be in comparison.


Well good luck on your Trip 35 Don, and wish me luck with mine! We'll have to compare notes (or photos).


Thanks again everyone for all the interesting posts and information.

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"Well good luck on your Trip 35 Don, and wish me luck with mine!"


Good luck 8-)


"We'll have to compare notes (or photos)."


I'll post some to my gallery here, assuming the thing works. I began the search last weekend when my car camera's batteries died. It appears Ricoh may have made a few battery-less ones in the 60s or 70s. I'm trying to track down a sample.


Good luck with the XA.

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