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Nikon FE-2 Problem

jarred mcdaniel

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I just purchased a Nikon FE-2 from a reputable used camera dealer in Montana.

The dealer installed new batteries (I did not read the package, but the

batteries have "357" stamped into the back), and I dry shot the camera a few

times with no apparent problems from the shutter or mirror lock. I brought the

camera home, placed the camera on "bulb," and when I had depressed and released

the shutter release button I noticed that the shutter itself was stuck at the

aperture that I had set it at. I tried depressing the shutter release again--

nothing. I tried switching the speed selector to M250, which did not release the



I then removed the lens and noticed that the mirror was locked in the "up"

position. I reset it manually. However, every subsequent time I have depressed

the shutter release (on all manner of shutter speeds), the exact same problem

has occurred. I checked the batteries, ensured that they were in the correct

orientation, but this has not fixed the problem.


I will obviously return the camera if I cannot get the issue resolved, but would

like to get input on any possible solutions. Would the batteries affect the

shutter on the lens as well as the mirror? If the mirror locked up because of

sticky foam, would that affect the shutter as well?


Thanks for any input!



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So I just saw the recent post regarding the same issue with the FM-2 and the responses, and checked out the shutter in the camera body. It is not opening when the shutter release button is depressed. Is the shutter coupled with the mirror release (i.e. will the shutter not functioning prevent mirror letdown and lens shutter function)?





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Battery power has no bearing on M250 and B. FE2 will complete exposure cycle at either speed without batteries.


If the mirror were sticking to foam you'd see a dirty mirror. Regardless, aperture stop-down lever (on camera) should return to 'up' position, causing lens aperture to return to full 'open' position. And good batteries fail to fire at any speed? I would return the camera pronto...as an owner of FE2's with a bit of usage.

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