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A12 red flag inconsistency

ben heaven

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I have a potential problem with the flag on an A12 back not always turning red

when I fire the camera (although the marker on the camera body itself always

turns red when it's supposed to). I've checked the forum and can't see that this

question has bee asked before, but appologies if it has.


After going through the manual with the camera in front of me all seems to be

working well other than this one issue. Specifically, I've noticed that on

occassion if I use the mirror prelease and then fire the shutter (or

alternativly just use the bulb setting on the lens) the little red flag on the

A12 doesn't always turn red with the flag on the body. This is an intermittent



I always make sure that both the back and the body match re. these flags (i.e.

if the back is detached and red, i fire the body without the back, then attached

the back, and crank both to the white 'ready' position, also vice versa, with a

'red' flag on the body i detach the A12, crank the body and then re-attach the

A12). My question is whether this is a major fault, or just a minor, chiefly

aestethtic problem?


If I detach the back and try the same procedures (pre-release etc.) the

auxillary shutter (barn doors) seem to open ok once i press the shutter release,

so I'm hoping that it might not be a 'show stopper'. Also I have currently

loaded the back with film, and i find that even if the white flag on the back

does not turn red with the body, i can re-cock the camera and the frame counter

on the back advances fine.


Many thanks for any feedback,





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There are three possible causes for the signal flag not changing to red when the camera is fired: The signal flag is loose on the post, it needs to be adjusted, or the spring that powers the signal flag has lost tension. The fact that the signal flag is not changing to red when the camera is fired is not likely to have any effect on the spacing of the negatives.


David S. Odess * Factory trained Hasselblad technician * www.david-odess.com

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many thanks for taking the time to answer my question (i was actually hoping you might comment, but didn't want to trouble you directly with an e-mail). I will feel more at ease finishing the current role of film and will get the back checked out at in the near future.


thanks again; much appreciated,





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