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NEW! "More photos by ______" thumbnails on gallery image pages.


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If you go to any single image page in your gallery, you will now see a "more

photos by <your name>" box on the right side next to the comments. There will

be three

thumbnail images picked randomly from your portfolio. There will also be a text

link to your full portfolio.


The purpose of this is to encourage viewers to dig deeper into photo.net

portfolios. A user might have come to your image page via a google search, or a

image you placed in the critique forum, or by a link sent to them by a friend.

What we want to do is to help give them a reason to view more of your images.

The photographers on Photo.net have some great images and we want to help them

get viewed.


This is good for us, as it encourages existing users to become more involved

with the site (instead of just critiquing one image of a particular user's,

perhaps they will critique three) and it encourages new users to explore the

site and perhaps join our community. It is good for our users because it help

encourage more visibility of their images and hopefully increases

views/comments/ratings/sales/jobs/etc (whatever reason a particular user has for

presenting work on photo.net).


One important note, images that you have in "hidden" folders will NOT show up as

thumbnails. We figure that people have any number of reasons for using the

"hidden" feature, and we do not wish to mess that up.<div>00Orbj-42411584.jpg.e13396cf30c39990d7e4be03f07654e7.jpg</div>

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Thanks, Josh. Although now it's possible that visitors will have three convenient new reasons NOT to wonder if my portfolio's worth a look! Note to self: <i>get those crappy shots out of the portfolio.</i> In fact, that may be one of the side benefits of what you've done, here... folks might take more time to ensure that their collection is - as randomly poked at - a better representation of their good stuff.
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Very nice addition, but can I make a suggestion?


I think the page would be better formatted if the three "More from this user" thumbnails were displayed horizontally under the image being viewed (above the tabs for "Details", etc.). The way it displays now the lower right section of the page formats a little bit "funny".

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My worry with putting the thumbnails where you suggest was that people would find them distracting from the larger image.

It does look like the text of longer critiques is crowding the thumbnail box a bit. So I'll see if we can adjust that.

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YAY! Thanks, Josh! I have been pondering asking if you could do something like this anyway ... because I have actually enjoyed seeing random older images of mine on my workspace page and wanted others to see the same kind of thing. You rock! (Oops - I almost put two exclamation points in my glee. But I corrected my error before hitting "submit". :-D)
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Here's a thought: can we make sure that the images being randomly selected are only coming from galleries that the member has marked to make visible? I'm sure I'm not the only one that has a gallery set to hidden, where some scratch images (used in a posted discussion, etc) are kept. These are an important part of how I use photo.net, but should be confused with "other photos by me," if you know what I mean.
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This is a great feature. I have already come across several superb images I had not seen before. I recall suggesting to you, back when you implemented this feature on our work space, that it would be good to see the same on our members page. Your idea is a much better place to put this feature. Thanks for the upgrade guys.
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I just want to add that, after a few days of watching the thumbnails somewhat closely (on my pages and on those of others), I am so happy with this change. I have decided to try to do a one-for-one deal, where if I am going to comment on someone's recent image, I'll also use the thumbnails to comment on an older image by the same person. I'm finding treasures that I hadn't previously seen ... and am getting comments on older images in my own portfolio that haven't been touched for a few years. Yay! Thanks, guys!
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  • 4 weeks later...


great improvements indeed, thank you.


BTW, would it be possible to add a feature to "details": now that we are able to check how many times an image has been looked at - how about being able to check also how many times the image has been downloaded by viewers?





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