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hey i just switched from corel paint pro shop to ps6. so far i hate it. i find

it very non-user friendly. please help. anyone know some good books or

tutorials that can help. also, in my corel i have skin smoothing, teeth

whitening, thining, etc. i haven't seen it yet in ps6. am i completly missing

it. thanks alot.

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Approach Photoshop like you would a new job - "Where do I sit?" and "Where's the bathroom" ;-) Concentrate on the relatively few things you need to accomplish and learn how to do them. A good foundation in digital photography and editing can be found in "Adobe Photoshop CSx for Photographers" by Martin Evening.


If you are clear on WHAT do to, there are only minor differences between Corel Paintshop and Adobe Photoshop. PS6 is dated, but the look and feel of Photoshop has changed very little over the years.

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I'm certainly no expert, but think that you should at least try it, certainly if you're on a

budget. If it turns out that it suits your needs, perhaps you will not need a later version.

The book that helped me the most, was Real World Adobe Photoshop 6, by David

Blatner, and the late, great Bruce Fraser. I haven't looked, but it wouldn't surprise me if it

was available used on Amazon for peanuts. Another good one for showing you step by

step methods for several tasks, is Easy A. Photoshop 6, by Kate Binder. Yes, definitely try

your library first. Depending on where you live, you can often search the public libraries

online. Hope this helps.

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Your "very non-user friendly" statement is likely a result of "I just switched from corel paint pro shop to ps6". It indicates to me that you expected to be up and running immediately without taking the time to learn it properly. To judge a program like that would be an insult to the programmers who spent many hours developing it!


Every major program whether it be AutoCAD or Photo Shop or even Elements will take time and patience. I am not sure which program you mean, however, spend the time to properly learn it and I would bet your attitude will be totally different.


My son, still in high school, purchased Lightroom and CS3 Extended. I bought him books by Scott Kelby. He spent many, many hours and months going through the entire books and now has a very good knowledge of the programs.


I can guarantee you that now that he knows the programs well he does not consider either one user non-friendly.


I am sure you will get many book suggestions. Give yourself the chance to lean the program, then come back to the forum and tell us whether you still think the program is very non-user friendly. But I think you meat to say user non-friendly. Sorry, but the lack of not using capitalization in you post is a possible indication of your lack of patience.

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"so far i hate it. i find it very non-user friendly."


Those were my comments when transitioning from the DOS version of Lotus 1-2-3 to Windows Excel. And that took ten years to accomplish.


Give it time. Maybe PS Elements is more suitable for the way you work.

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