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Some 40D experience


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some might be bored, but i would like to share my experience i had with my new

40D so far.


Coming from a 30D which i loved, i had a pretty hard time deciding whether the

upgrade was worth it or not. But in the end due to the strong Euro, 150 Euro

Cashback and the pile of cash an unexperienced Ebay buyer gave me for my 30D i

only had to pay an extra 100 Euro, so i went for it.


What attracted my attention first was the slightly bigger grip. It really is

only a minor difference, but now my "pinky" can also be used to hold the camera.

I don't want to bear the weight and size of a vertical grip anymore, so just

about perfect.


Second thing: the viewfinder. Subtle but noticeable difference in size and

luminance. The difference might not overwhelm you, it is more like going from a

good film camera like the EOS 30 to a great one like the EOS 3. You have to look

twice, but it is certainly there.


Some minor things, that i like: 3 customizable settings on the "wheel"

(basically i get an easy way to do mirror lockup - FINALLY; and one setting is

for AEB with high speed Drive).


Live View seems to be great for macro focusing, but i have to try that yet.


Countless new gimmicks, consolidating the fact, that this one is not only a

minor upgrade like the 30D was.


All in all, nice upgrades to make an almost perfect camera even better...now it

only has to stop raining where i live. But in 10 days i am off to India for 6

weeks :D

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I can only encourage you to give a xxD series camera a try. The xxxD models are great, but for me there is no going back...The 30D might not be "twice the camera" compared to the 350D, but it certainly feels like and handles that way.
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>>>"I can only encourage you to give a xxD series camera a try. The xxxD models are great, but for me there is no going back...The 30D might not be "twice the camera" compared to the 350D, but it certainly feels like and handles that way."<<<


Could not agree more.



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pixel to pixel...lens to lens, the rebel series is not that far off from it's bigger brothers (at least in the 20/30/40D series), but build quality, features, and responsiveness, the 40D wins every time. I don't really have a lot of experience with the 30D, but I also own the 350D and the 40D is a pretty substantial leap forward.
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I've had the 40D since mid-Dec. It is a great camera. As for the comment about noise (above)...I disagree. Here is a shot, at ISO 3200 with no noise reduction, using "window light" only. By the way, this was shot with the 28-135 lens that came with the camera. The 28-135 also gets a bad rap on PN forums...I think it is pretty darn good.



<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/toxonophile/2053510868/" title="MG_0011MrMopey by toxonophile, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2408/2053510868_120aa007b1.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="MG_0011MrMopey" /></a>

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OK Jason:


This is a 1:1 crop of the original RAW file - straight out of the camera with no processing - shot at ISO 3200. Sure there is some noise, but, it is a very useable file none-the-less (as can be seen in the photo above). I should add that with the 40D, I have no fear of using ISO 400 and even 640 is very clean.



<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/toxonophile/2347813043/" title="MG_0011_1to1 by toxonophile, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2161/2347813043_fc84985043_o.jpg" width="529" height="805" alt="MG_0011_1to1" /></a>

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