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It occurs to me that since the D3 is renowned for such effective low light

performance it ought to be able to work pretty well in an additional exposure



Besides manual, aperture priority, shutter priority and programme what about

AS: aperture & shutter priority with ISO as the variable.


It would be great for sport photography with an 80 to 200 f2.8. You set your

shutter at 1/500, aperture at f4 and the camera exposes correctly by setting



As it is, can this be done somehow by setting auto ISO?

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Care to elaborate Adam? I find the Auto-ISO used in conjunction with Manual exposure mode on the Nikon D200, D300 and (presumably on the) D3 to be very effective for my needs. All the parameters stay the same except the ISO, which changes; what more could you ask for?
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The manual/auto iso works well for me too.


However, I must say that I have thought about how useful it might be to have minimum

values settings for both shutter speed and aperture in all modes.


For example, if your lens is a bit soft or prone to vignette/distort at f/2.8, you could set

the menu to never use apertures faster than say f/4. This may be useful in situations

where being able to work quickly with the minimum need to manually adjust settings was

a help.


I agree that the manual/auto iso option could achieve the same thing - it's just another

way around I guess, and easy enough to create for Nikon as it is only a software issue.

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