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My 50mm!


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I am thrilled! I picked up a manual 50 mm 1:2 for $30. (Don't tell me if I got

ripped off!) I am amazed at the results! Now I just need to practice fast

focusing! I took a great photo of 2 of my kids outside at night, no flash, with

only a couple of street lights around. My husband says he definitely wants me to

take photos of his band with that lens. After seeing lots of blurry kids he

promised the band will stay still!

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The 50 f2 is a great lens. All of the Pentax 50's are. Some are arguably sharper but only in

miniscule amounts. For $30 you did great. Just watch your metering and practice with it a lot

and you'll get great images. Post some samples!!


Also, pay close attention to your focus at f2 - it's quite thin!

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Here are a some from last week. EXIF in tact.

The conditions in the museum are dark and no flash is allowed. This is all lens....and ISO only at 400



<a target='_blank' title='ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting' href='http://imageshack.us/'><img src='http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/7830/a7bj9.jpg' border='0'/></a>



This is at F/1.4

<a target='_blank' title='ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting' href='http://imageshack.us/'><img src='http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/6769/a5jr2.jpg' border='0'/></a>


This is at F/1.4

<a target='_blank' title='ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting' href='http://imageshack.us/'><img src='http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/9505/a1se9.jpg' border='0'/></a>



AND one more at F/1.4

<a target='_blank' title='ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting' href='http://imageshack.us/'><img src='http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/7581/59046494wa9.jpg' border='0'/></a>

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I will post some pics after my marathon grocery shopping trip. Besides that, I just totally reorganized my little scrapbooking area and I can't remember where I put my card reader. (I gave my cord to my sister in law because she lost hers and I have a little kodak digital that I let the kids use.)
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sniff sniff.. just sold my FA 50mm 1.4 on ebay...


Here's a pic I took with it at the Chihuly Exhibit in Pittsburgh. I have to admit, though, after this shot, I shot the rest of the exhibit with the DA 16-45mm .. 50mm on a K10d was just not wide enough for the rest of the <a href="http://flickr.com/photos/19146768@N03/sets/72157603660179974/show/">

Chihuly Exhibit</a> Click the link, I thought the DA 16-45mm did admirably.


<img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2248/2327567751_6924df7b17_b.jpg" alt="chihuly">

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I now have only the FA 35mm 2.0 and the DA 16-45mm, and the DA 50-200mm mainly for my daughter's girls lacrosse on sunny days.


I am trying to save some dough for the 360 flash, and perhaps the upcoming DA* 60-250mm


What I would ideally like is the DA 21mm & 43MM limited lenses, The DA* 16-50mm & DA* 60-250mm and perhaps the new Pentax SDM teleconverter.


I could have all of the above for about 2/3 the cost of what the Governor of NY spends on one "date".

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The 50mm 2.0 gets a bad rap for being "soft" at 2.0 but it's actually a very good lens. I used it for a long time on a K1000.


Of course I don't shoot a lot wide open, but i found it to be a very good lens.


$30 for an A lens in 2008 seems like a bargain. I remember paying that much for it back in 1997. Also, while I was once told those things were so common you couldn't give them away (when I was haggling over a used camera that had a 50mm 2.0 that I didn't need), it seems they have "vanished" as of now.


You got a good deal, on a good prime. Enjoy!


As far as the governor of NY. Considering 80% of all marriages have an adulterous spouse, and the breakdown of men women is 60/40%, and accounting for the former Mayor on NYC, Ed Koch, said on CNN he felt prostitution wasn't really and shouldn't really be a crime (he didn't defend spitzer, he just said he felt the act of sex for money shouldnt be a crime) I think way too much has been made of this.


Spitzer did good for the state of New York. And no one is more upset at this than me, but when the traders on Wall Street cheer for his resignation, you should wonder who benefits from this. Not the little man, not the state, not the residents of NY, or the residents of other states who benefited from his challenges of the federal government, only big business, and the big government benefit.


Damn he's an idiot, but not a criminal (yeah, don't even through the Mann Act out there, no one gets prosecuted under it, and it's generally only been used on legit criminals like Charles Manson). He not corrupt. He's a hypocrite and a fool, but overall his political career was beneficial to the people. Too bad it's over while a lot of truly corrupt people continue to live off your tax dollars as career politicians propped up by the political machine.


you can see my full view on this fiasco on my blog,



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This is my favorite photo. I have lots of blurry ones, though! I do have a few of the kids patiently waiting for me to focus. Its only know that I've started to pay attention to all the flashing things (all the green icons) when I'm looking through the viewfinder. I'm hoping I'll get faster at this focus thing.


I'm on a K10, by the way. Too much camera, but I'm hoping to learn quickly. I have the 18-55, but I tend to like my old 28-80 that came with my film slr several years ago. I also have the 70-300 and the 560 flash. I'm looking into getting a diffuser for that, I think. The more I play with the camera, the better I understand the manual, the better I understand the manual, the more I can really play with the camera...and so on!


<a href=" IMGP1716 title="IMGP1716 by abandonedwill, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2138/2328627324_477566ddd9_b.jpg" width="681" height="1024" alt="IMGP1716" /></a>

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"What I would ideally like is the DA 21mm & 43MM limited lenses"


I sold the 50mm and 35mm for this combo...and with the idea of picking up a 28mm f/2, and 70mm DA.


I got hosed on the 28mm, sticky aperture BUT...i'm getting it fixed for a reasonable price. So the lens was still a good deal, just a few weeks from seeing it in action. Optically it's perfect. The Kiron oil was the weak link, it had issues with being heated and then cooling. I actually, sort of figured I'd have the oil replaced preventively, I didn't however count on the seller lying about the aperture being flawless.


The 28mm is my poor mans 31mm and I while I truly loved the 35mm I think the FA43 will be a better fit. I did find I often cropped a bit off my 35mm FA images, so I'm thinking it will be just fine. The lens I didn't use was the 50mm FA, pretty much at all.


So I look at it like this 43mm replaced 50mm on digital, and 35mm on film. While the 28mm is more useful on digital as a 43mm. And I only lost a little less than 1 stop total. I also paid for both the 43 and 28mm and the lens repair with the 35/50 selloff. The 21mm is also paid off via other Pentax gear, and I ended up with a 24-50mm SMC-A to boot. Suffice to say I have 10-50mm covered darn well.

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BTW regarding sharpness, my FA35mm f2.0 is one lens that is just as sharp wide open as it is stopped down (except for the hard core pixel peepers that is) and the FA50 is quite sharp at f1.4 but must be focused very carefully due to the very shallow DOF.
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