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lenses, shutters, and other large format things


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ok, I need help.

Can someone explain to me the difference in large format lenses???

How many kinds are there? The mounting-how is it done???? Are the shutters always seperate? How does one set the exposure speed? Also, I keep seeing pictures of 4x5 backs that seem to have another frame over the groundglass, this thing has two tabs on the left side. What is this for??? Mine doesnt have one. Is it just another variation of a back???

thanks a million in advance




P. O'B.

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<I>"Can someone explain to me the difference in large format

lenses???</I><P><B>Yes.</B><P><I>" How many kinds are

there?"</I><P><B>twelve.</B><P><I> "The mounting-how is it

done????"</I><P><B>Have you ever read <U>The Joy of

Sex?</U></B><P><I>" Are the shutters always

seperate?"</I><P><B>Only since the divorce.</B><P><I>" How

does one set the exposure speed?"</I><P><B>Swiftly.</B>

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If I can quit laughing over Ellis' answer long enough I will try to

help. In all sincerety, you need to spend some time in a well

equipped library. There are numerous formulas for LF lenses, the

current favorite by manufacturers being the plasmat formula. There

are many, many lenses based on the Tessar formula, which are four

element lenses. If you go back to the turn of the century, you will

discover a large array of lenses and formulas. Most modern lenses are

mounted in shutters, but that was not always the case. Many were sold

as barrel mounts to be used with the Packard and other behind the

lens shutters. There were even 4x5 focal plane shutters. The lenses

have to be mounted on a lens board, which then fits onto the camera.

The exposure is set through the shutter and the aperature, just like

35mm. I hope this was a serious question you posted. If not, I'll

feel like a fool.





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Padraig. You obviously need a very gentle introduction to large format

photography. It's going to be far too much to take in at one go.<br>I

suggest you take yourself down to the nearest hardware store and buy

yourself a file. Take the file and open up the little hole in the back

of your 35mm camera where the film goes, just a little bit at first,

maybe half a millimetre all round.<br>Take some pictures with your new

larger format camera, and see how you get on. When you feel

comfortable with it, open up the gate (that's the technical name for

the film hole) a bit more.<br>Keep doing this until your pictures have

funny oval holes all along the edges of them, then throw your camera

away.<br>Move on to something a bit bigger, like a Hasselblad with a

645 back, and then do the same thing with that. Eventually, you'll be

experienced enough to handle a 'real' large format camera.<br>That's

the way we all did it (honest).

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When I first contemplated buying a large format camera my only

information came from Shutterbug and I lived in a rural area in Idaho

with no access to LF information. The matter of lenses was very





Generally speaking, any LF lens will fit any LF camera as long as the

lens board is big enough and you have enough bellows draw. Most

lensboards are simple affairs, a board with a hole in it basically and

a rim to help make it light tight. You attach the lens to the board

in one or two obvious manners. The speed and aperture are set on the

lens shutter, usually.




Lenses in barrel have no shutter.




So all you need to know is if your shutter is small enough to fit in

your camera. If you have a 4x5 or smaller camera be careful of old

large shutters that say "#5". Everything else will probably work.




Measure your bellows draw, subtract half an inch for safety, and that

is likely to be your maximum lens focal length.




That's all there is to it. One thing about LF is you have a dizzying

availability of lenses.

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I learned just about everything I know about LF from reading

Adam's "The Camera." This is a great book, and you won't go wrong

with it. Buy the rest of the books in the series, too: "The

Negative" (it's about exposure and processing) and "The Print".




What camera do you have? It sounds like you have just aquired a

camera with no lens.




The lenses are set like any other -- shutter speed and apeture. Only

antique lenses will come without a shutter.




One thing you can do is drop by a camera store specializing in used

cameras, and look over their inventory and ask for help. They'll be

happy help you and sell you what you'll need.

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thanks for the tips on the books.




I just bought the rudiments of a sinar f; rail, front and back F

standards, glass, bellows, Lensboard (copal 1),

no lens. 400 bucks.

One more stupid question; the pictures I have seen of sinar f backs

seem to have another piece over them that has two levers on one side

, and one above and one below.


http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=469663515 )

Mine doesn't have this on the back, am I missing a piece?

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ok, thanks for that.

should the film holder be inserted on the side of the gg holder with

the hinge? I know the gg holder can be rotated. The hinge is on top

now. that would seem to be the most logical place to insert the film

holder, not from the bottom, even though it looks like it might go in

that way. turning it once to the left would allow me to slide it in

from the right side, but then the shutter cable hookup would be on the

right side, not the left??????

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Well if you have read some of the existing threads where I've

made comments you'll see I am not in the habit of spewing

drivel. And now that you have provided some real information

(make of camera etc.) it is easier to give you some real

information in return.<P>It sounds like you have a very old Sinar

F (current models are the F1 and F2) and that you have the older

style back on the camera that lacks the "bales" -- a lever system

that makes it easier to smoothly insert a film holder without

putting any lateral stress on the camera. Stress that could move

the camera or cause the back to swing around the rear pivot

point. As far as the additional frame over the groundglass: that is

probably the optional removable fresnel screen and frame which

makes it easier to see the entire image and to focus the camera.

The Sinar cameras are pretty much completely modular and it is

possible to replace the groundglass frame you have with the

newer design, which I believe is designated as an"MB back". A

trip to Sinar's website will help you a lot to see the range of

accessories availible to you. It is a very extensive system. Since

your camera is an older one you might want to send it to your

local Sinar Bron distributor to get it checked out and brought

back to factory specs. <P>

The differences in large format lenses boil down to some basic

categories: focal length; angle of coverage of a particular lens

and size of image circle at infinity. It is easy to confuse the last

two. All lenses when focused at imfinity project an image of a

certain diameter and angle of coverage refers to the full angle

angle projected at that diameter. Angle of coverage does not

refer to angle of view inside a particular format. For example: A

90mm lens with an angle of coverage of 106 degrees and an

image circle of 235mm is a very wide angle with a 5"x7" camera,

a wide angle (approximately equal to that of a 28mm on a Nikon

or Canon or Leica 35mm camera); or a normal lens with a

6x7cm or 6x9cm format. The big three manufacturers of modern

lenses for large format photography are Rodenstock, Schneider

and Nikon. Fuji also makes very high quality glass for large

format cameras but they are not distributed in the United States

except through a few dealers who act as direct importers. If you

are in the United States or Canada, you should also consider

purchasing Caltar II lenses from <A HREF =

http://www.calumetphoto.com> Calumet</a>. The current series of

Caltar II lenses are made by Rodenstock (to the same specs as

lenses imported by Rodenstock's USA distributor) and imported

with Calumet's proprietary branding. Virtually every large format

lens today comes mounted in a Copal shutter which is

calibrated for that lens in terms of f-stop (aperture) and


Enjoy your new camera! Large format photography is a great way

to explore the world and your creative vision.

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