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I did it! I just developed my first film!

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congrats, to me this is what its all about, when i did my first roll, i remember all i had was a steel reel, I had no idea how to load it, i did the best i could, put my chems in the tank, did the inversion and twists and all that good stuff. opened the tank and all the film was like stuck together, there was a faint image on one frame. i was so excited. I still have it. it was so thin you could hardly see anything but it was there. i didnt even try to scan it. lol thats been a while back, that was before i had heard of photo.net. it amazes me how much i have learned on this forum, you guys are the best. good luck chris
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Congratulations Chris; yes it is a great feeling. After years of keeping off cameras I started recently doing some B&W. I took the negatives to a chain outlet franchisee of the Big Yellow. They gave me prints and scanned pics in a CD all very nicely packed; impressive. The prints and scans were so flat that I almost gave up on my hobby. Then I examined the negatives with a magnifying glass. They did not look bad. So I bought an HP scanner and made my own scans at home. My pictures have clouds, texture, tones and so many other traits. I will never go to a lab again for B&W. Good scanning takes time I guess. The lab workers just don't have the patience or time. They also don't differentiate between one negative and another for density, exposure etc. There is more to this story. I shall cover that in an appropriate topic. Best wishes again!
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