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Kodak 203mm Ektar Coatings


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The Kodak 203mm f7.7 Ektar lens has a lot of people singing its

praises. The weight is light enough to carry into the field, and

the lens is very sharp, and very inexpensive for a LF lens.




My question is how does one differentiate between the uncoated and

coated versions of this lens? Does the shutter or serial number give any clues? Is there a way to tell by looking at the reflections inside the lens? Any info appreciated.





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Multi-coated lenses usually will reflect two different colors when

placed at an angle to a light source and moved around, a purplish

color and a greenish color. In the lenses I own that I know are

multi-coated, these two colors can be clearly seen as the lens is

moved around at an angle to a light source. I thought, but am not

certain, that if you see only a purplish color the lens is single

coated and if you see no color at all the lens is uncoated. However, I

don't own any lenses that are uncoated or single coated so I cannot be

sure of this. Perhaps someone else can confirm this or correct me.

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I own un-coated lenses and single coated lenses. I used to own a

multi-coated 65mm but I didn't use it very much so I traded it &

can't compare between multi- single- and non. However, the difference

between an un-coated lens and a lens with any coatings should be as

clear as, well, as clear as glass. My single-coated lenses have

multiple reflections but they are only in two colors, a pinkish

lavender and a light blue.

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