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anonymous raters

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Who are the "anonymous raters?" Why would someone who doesn't post their work

here be interested in going through submissions and leave a ratings?


How does one get to be an "anonymous rater? If I log onto PN from another

computer without logging in, can I be "anonymous?"


Why does PN use these non-members (non-PAYING) participants to have the power

over what is featured?


I've never received a 3 or a 4 even from a member, but "anonymous" has peppered

my submissions and most other "experimental" and "abstractionists" mercilessly

with 3's and 4's.

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Anonymous rating is in place because people could not act like adults.

Harassment, revenge ratings, and nasty email were all common when all

ratings were public. You personally may be able to take criticism well, but many,

otherwise normal, people have proven that they cannot. If they think

their image is better than it was rated, they react horribly.


If you do not wish to mess with ratings, you can submit your image for

"critique only"

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It may not be clear from Josh's answer, above. YOU are a anonymous rater. So am I. When you visit the "Rate Photos" area, and look at the images that are lined up there for ratings, any image you rate there is marked as rated... but not visibly BY YOU. That's an anonymous rating. If you rate an image with a deservedly low score, that prevents the recipient from stalking you for the next year, marking all of your images as 1/1 (which, incredibly, used to happen). If, however, you visit someone's profile, go into their gallery, look at their work, and then choose to rate one while you're there, that rating WILL have your name tied to it. Make more sense, now?
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>> If I log onto PN from another computer without logging in, can I be "anonymous?"


Sure, you'll be anonymous, but you will NOT be able to rate any photos either. :-)


All ratings on photos, be they anonymous or direct, from subscribers or otherwise, *ARE* from *MEMBERS* that are logged on to the site. And the ratings are only anonymous to the general membership. Administrators can determine who gave *EACH and EVERY* rating ever posted on this site.


>> Why does PN use these non-members (non-PAYING) participants to have the power over what is featured?


I didn't realize that paying the subscription fee made one better qualified to rate photos, or made an opinion (rating) more valuable.

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Thanks Matt. That does make it clear... duh. Im so dense when it comes to getting around this site.


It is also true though that what ratings I have given are on my main f0rtylegz page at PN for all to see. If I did give out all 1's for example, then those ratings would be clear to anyone who visited my page. So... the ratings thing isn't really anonymous... anonymous :) But I can see now how the system is supposed to work.


I guess it is going work for my just to rate and comment on photographs that I like.

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Josh Root... thanks for replying. I didn't know that past history of PN. That makes me feel better.


When I first came here, I did go to the rate photos all the time for the first few weeks. And I rated the photos on the scale as I saw them from 1 to 7. When you just romp through that never ending book, many times I had to wonder why? Why would anyone want to know if this photo of their family dog, out of focus, and without a thought of lighting, or setting, is beautiful and original? But, the truth is, when they look there... they see beauty.


I've learned a great deal about "what others see" from participating here. Thanks again for your insight.



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Michael R. Freemanprolific... thanks for your thoughts and reply.


I didn't "get it." I thought that the "anonymous raters", were not subscribers. I thought they were totally anonymous viewers who were not paying or submitting photographs, or even that they, the "anonymous" had other ways of entering the ratings game that I didn't get. It wasn't until I read Matt Laur's explanation that the light went on. Blame it on Aspergers. :)


Thanks again,


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Thanks to both Michael and Matt for clarifying my incomplete answer.


And yes, as Michael says, there are no real anonymous ratings, as the admins can see all ratings. This allows us to get rid of bogus accounts or revenge patterns.

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