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R9 or R8?


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I'm currently looking at upgrading my SLR, and am interested in a second hand

R8 or R9. I know the R9 is around 100g lighter, but what are the other

differences? Are they worth the substantialy higher price, or it this mainly

due to it being the current model?


It seems the earlier models of R8 had some reliability issues, is there a date

these were remidied?


Also, is there anywhere I can read up on Leicas various partnerships and

countirs of manufacture over the years?





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I should say all of them other than the reliability and quality differences. I would say that I

have not had a problem with the R9 and have not heard of many problems with them (the

DMR is a different story). I would doubt that there is any difference in the quality of the

Portuguese versus German models. They all went through the same quality control as far as I

am aware.

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Yes, the R8 does scratch film, but OUTSIDE the image area (the plastic film rollers have too

sharped edges) and some early cameras DID have issues: the meter went mad and the

battery indicator was not reliable. Make sure you get a warranty. The R6 is a better bet and it

is a much smaller camera. Avoid earlier R4 and R3s.

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