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Converters for 1D mk 3


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It's a common issue with an easy fix - you DON'T NEED to upgrade to CS3.


Pop onto www.adobe.com - search for and download the Adobe DNG Converter - use the program to convert your files to Adobe's open DNG format - and enjoy being able to open them in ANY version of CS (also does away with the need for the converter to create the *.xmp "sidecar" file).





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"Am I correct is assuming that if I open/correct tne files using Lightroom 1.3 I can then transfer the pix to CS2?"


Michael, as a side note, don't think of DNG conversion as some kind of a "poor-man's work around" - many (myself included) convert to DNG as the first step in our workflows anyway, even though we're already running CS3. DNG offers some significant advantages:


1. You can use the converter to take the images from your card reader and copy them to your PC


2. You can use the converter to rename the files as they're being copied, using powerful renaming options.


3. You can open DNG files in ANY version of CS, and


4. If you convert to DNG then the RAW converter won't have to create a companion *.XMP "side-car" file for each RAW image (that alone is worth the effort).





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Colin thank you. I like working with Lightroom very much and it is my first workflow step. Very often I don't even have to go to CS2 for further work and can print directly from LR and convert/save the files in many formats. The thought of adding another step is not appealing.

Am I missing somthing else?

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Your welcome Michael. Horses for courses I suspect. Personally, I don't really think much about the DNG conversion process adding additional workflow steps - it takes the PC a few minutes to chew through a few hundred; so I usually use the time to do a few other things (there's only 22 working hours in every day you know!) - thing I like most is the renaming and no *.XMP sidecar files, but then again, I use Bridge - not sure how lightroom handles these two things.


If you seldom use PS (doing all from within LR) then it's probably just as easy to save as a PSD and open in LR from there for you.





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