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Question about Quantum and interference


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I saw a guy shooting his canon with a quantum, and the quantum was turned so

that it was not lined up with the camera...he said it was because there is

interference when using a quantum with a canon and this is how you avoid such

interference. He said it did not happen with Nikon.

I shoot canon 5d and I want faster more consistant recycling flash times. Can

anyone tell me if they have had this experience with a quantum and a canon? I

used a quantum successfuly before with a Nikon. I want one now for my canon.


thanks guys

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I guess this could be about a different type of interference ?

You really did not describe what your interference on 5D was.


There was a post about Canon 5D poor readio/magnetic interference shielding, much poorer than any othe DSLR camera on the market. There were photographs of the studio that contained a lot of electronics eqiupment. Even though the author stated that the electronics was just for movie taking and was not powered On, some other interference in the pictures were presented. This was documented mid 2007 or earlier, with few comments from other 5D users expressing some strange behavior produced by 5D when in extreme electronmagnetic, or radio high level environment.


Search the photo.net, as I could not believe Canon could do that to 5D.

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