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Look at the attached pics. I'm experiencing a serious moire problem (I assume this pattern is considered

moire) with the D70. I can't say that I've ever seen this before, but it's showing up in lots of pictures from

my most recent shoot.


Why, exactly? I can see it when viewing at 100%, even 50% in some shots.<div>00Oboh-42007784.jpg.d1a7132f8d40a970afaf71fcfc8b769f.jpg</div>

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I'm not sure if that's technically moire'. One definition I found: "Geometric pattern caused when two screened images are superimposed at certain angles."


Anyway, I could be wrong, but that just doesn't seem to be what's happening here.


If you shot in RAW have you perhaps tried a different RAW converter? Obviously if it's not moire and not a software problem, then that would leave something weird happening in the camera.


I wish I could be more help - it's very strange - almost like a tiny maze was superimposed over much of the image! Good luck!

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Well, I'm using CS2, with its raw converter. I don't have the Nikon software installed.


I'm trying to see why it's showing up in some pictures, but not in others. Looking at the

metadata to see if it's a low-light thing, high-speed-shutter thing, etc. All shots were

taken on the same day, at the same location, with the same camera & lens.


Weird, to say the least. And not terribly convenient.


I'll post more info in a minute.

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That image was with the ISO set at 200, no in-camera sharpening (or post sharpening),

F4.5, 70mm. 1/1000 sec, all in manual. I've got other shots across the 18-70mm range of

the lens (this is the decent kit lens that I got with the camera, the 18-70mm f3.5-4.5).


I can't figure it out. Why would it be in one shot, but not in another? Makes no sense.


I was using a couple of Alien Bees for lights, using a remote/wireless transmitter to

trigger them.

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Hmmm.....found a few posts with similar issues:




One guy suggests it's the combination of external flash and shutter speed, since the D70

doesn't sync above 1/500 second. Could that be the problem? Obviously, the flashes fired

and are captured.


This problem seems particularly bad with this dog--some others aren't nearly as

noticeable, or it's not there at all. Similar settings overall (most pics were either 1/800 or

1/1000 second).


I guess I didn't realize the sync speed was only 1/500.


What SHOULD happen to the picture if I use an external flash (with a hot shoe-based

wireless transmitter) at 1/800 or 1/1000 shutter speed?

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HMMM...looking back to last year's images (these are featured in my portfolio, so feel free

to look at them....they're the "SPCA FACES" folder), I had the exact same setup. Same

equipment (same lights, same wireless transmitter, same camera/lens, same room, even).

Many of those shots were also shot at 1/800s or 1/1000s, though many were also at

1/640s. None show this level of this weird pattern, though in a few of the far

underexposed shots, mainly at 1/1000 and above, it shows up a tiny bit. But it's not there

in the others.


So why would it be more pronounced this year than last? Is my camera going south?

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