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comparison of media for archival stability


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i am trying to put together some information for my state historic preservation office about archival stability of different materials submitted to them for their files. i remember a while back some links someone posted here showing the results of testing of a variety of media types but cant find it again. i need to find info on the archival stbility/expected longevity of such media as RC prints (both b/w and color), mounting adhesives for prints, laser-printed text adn images, any form of digital printing for text or images, xerox copies of original materials, color xerox materials, etc. if you know of any recent articles or good weblinks, please let me know. thanks.
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Try getting a copy of Henry Wilhelm's book "The Permanence and Care of

Color Photographs." There's a ton of good information in there about

all sorts of materials. He also has a web site at

www.wilhelm-research.com. Another good source would be the Image

Permanence Institute, which has a web site as well, but I can't

remember the address. It's based out of RIT, I think. Lastly, Kodak

has a few good books, although they may be a bit dated now. One that

comes to mind is "Conservation of Photographs". I think you'll do best

with the Wilhelm book, although the IPI has alot of good information

on long term film storage. If you're dealing with archivists and

museum people you ought to check out both sites as well. Hope this


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Hey, sorry to post again but I've got a little more information for

you regarding the non-photographic items you've listed. You may want

to take alook at the mammoth "Conservation OnLine" website, this one

has just about everything you need to know and links as well. If you

don't feel like wading through that, check out the Library of Congress

"Preservation" website. They have a "Preservation Supply Catalog" on

there that lists out the specs. for vendors etc., for all the

different products they use. You'll find data about photocopying there

too. If your state has anything like a Dept. of Records, or a State

Library, you might be able to get some assistance from them as well.

One thing to keep in mind about LE ratings is that it has alot to do

with the storage environment, you know, what happens to the stuff when

it leaves your hands. You might want to factor in all this, like

temp/humidity, enclosures, air quality etc. when you make your

recommendations. I should probably add that I'm not an archivist, or a

conservator, but I am a staff photgrapher in a state run history

museum. In a way I can sympathize with you as part of my job is to

maintain the negs/transp. we generate here. I should also throw in the

disclaimer that the "opinions expressed here may not represent the

policy of my agency." That said, good luck and again, I hope this


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