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Lunar Photos....


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It's an examination of technique. In many ways, more purely so than the waterfall-esque tests. It's one subject that we all have in common, and it's interesting to see how different equipment and techniques add up to a different result. Now, moon-over-waterfall shots... you might be onto something there. And of course, puppies or Goth models <i>named</i> "Luna."
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Pete, you've proven yourself to be a great asset to the community...so don't take this as any disrespect for you or your opinions! Although I've never suggested an actual "ban" on any particular subject matter...I've certainly sounded off on the subject of uninteresting shots of cats, flowers, sunsets, cartoonish HDR shots, etc. So, I feel your pain! But I try to keep in mind that there's nothing inherently "wrong" about shooting pictures of flowers or lunar photos (for instance).. the problem is generally between our own ears. Sure, we've gotten totally worn out with these photographic cliche's, but I try to look at each photograph individually and not dismiss it's value...simply because I've seen similar shots so many, many times. I don't feel I'm telling you anything new...but it doesn't matter what the subject matter is, it's all about shooting it in a fresh, creative, unique manner that somehow sets it aside from the "common". As for the luna eclipse shots... "what Matt said". And...I admit that the kid in me was just as excited to get a quick glimpse (through heavy cloud cover) of last night's eclispse as I did the first time I viewed one. It's always an event for me.


Please keep in mind that what I've just said DOES NOT APPLY to pic sof puppies or Goth models named "Luna" or "Moon Unit".

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This is about as inappropriate of a post as it gets, considering there was a total lunar eclipse peri the time of this post (within the 24-hr period), which is a substantially rarer photo op than just any moon shot...


besides, ..."banned"? Is this a dictatorship?

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I already told you once today you've gotta stop with this stuff. Now behave yourself before I end up hurting myself :)


BTW once you figure out how to hold that camera with your testicles you will have to start practising walking on your hands if you expect to get any good shots.


Fortunately I've got a fresh box of Kleenex handy in case I have any nasal mishaps.

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On second thought HDR would not work as the moon moves(actually its proof of the earths rotation). I had to keep chasing it last night to keep it in the frame. My best moon scenario was a Medium format picture of Peter and Paul fortress in St. Petersberg Russia on a very cold night. The fortress came out fine but the moon is oblong.
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