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Question: 40D raw files downloaded as .mov?


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A friend of mine recently bought a Canon 40D, and is having the problem that

both sRAW and RAW files are ending up as .MOV files on his hard drive when he

downloads them from the camera.


It is making it so that his picture software doesn't recognize the files

correctly. It seemed odd to me, and there does not seem to be a camera setting

related to this.


Has anyone encountered this before?

Any advice?




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I don't remember where this came up - could have been with PSE5 downloader that I tried using for first time in a long time, and in there somewhere was an option to download as .mov. OR, it could have been in my new-install of CS3 where that was an option. Check the download program.


My fave method of downloading still is to use windoze explorer, create the folder name and then just copy & past into there, re-insert card into camera and re-format card. It's the fastest way to just get the files onto the camera.

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  • 2 months later...

After downloading the files to your folder as in:

"use windoze explorer, create the folder name and then just copy & past into there,"

you don't need to reformat the card. Just use Explorer to DELETE the files on the card

rather than "re-insert card into camera and re-format card..."

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