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Closest focusing distance on film cameras /DSLR .


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A friend of mine use his 50mm1.8 II on his XTi and realizes that the

closest focusing distance becomes much closer than then he uses on his film

camera ( Elan 7E). He asks me why ? I do not know the answer . I'm using a 5D

and just tried the closest focusing distance with my 50mm 1.4 . Here are the

results : distance from subject to front glass of lens : 0.36 meter; distance

from subject to film(sensor) plane : 0.46 meter ( lens specification : 0.45

meter ). The closest focusing distance is measured from the subject to where ?

to front glass or to film ( sensor ) plane ? Is the closest focusing

distance of a lens varies depending on camera types such as film camera ,FF

DSLR and cropped DSLR ?

Please give me the answer. Thanks .

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Thanks for all the replies. I do not own an XTi myself so I don't know what was happening. Maybe he never focus this close with his Elan 7 and the picture looks more magnified so he thinks that the distance gets closer. I was confused myself with the question and now I know. Thanks.
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