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Any good Up to Date Lens review sites out there?


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I'm about to ebay 2 or 3 lenses as well as sell my 500 body back to oly and am

going to buy another long tele (which i swore i wouldnt do um.. last week). But

i just cannot find any reviews of the lenses im currently considering. Are there

any sites out there that are actually up to date??


I'm considering the zuiko 70-300 (supposedly sharp but <400mm and zuiko af

freezing sucks). The sigma 125-400. And MAYBE the 50-500 though ive heard its

not sharp. But i cant find reviews anywhere. You have to wonder how review sites

stay alive when by the timethey review anything these days you can check 430000

user reviews

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I would put my stock in user reviews if the user knows her stuff. I assume you have already seen the comments of John Foster.




But you are right on the falloff in lens reviews.. You may find some bench tests if you hunt down a few of the UK magazines, if memory serves me. Yep, camera bodies pull in shopper "pizzaz"; get almost all of the attention on line. And we both know lens choices are the real crunch decision makers for the canny shopper over the long haul. Not only because of the increasing price of superb and well assembled glass. Lens testing may involve more work for less payoff in reader interest I surmise. If you ask here in the Oly forum you are bound to get a few informed opinions which are better than zip. Wish I could lend help on the tele frontier. (There is nothing but praise by informed users for the 50-200mm, but you know that already.)

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Thanks guys. Especially Gerry. I like biofos and wrotniak a lot but those fools are off shooting pictures and such silliness instead of upgrading their site hourly. Grrr.


Im trying to buy that one last supertele still but i need it Sharp and lord help you trying to get accurate info. My sigma 400, tamron 300 and tokina 250 are ready to be ebayed when i find one but while you can find ten page discussions on which 14th button is more tactilly pleasing you cant seem to get info on a lens til youve plunked out the $$$$ and gone "ahhh man!".

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hey Charles! I don't know of any reviews sites, but I recently purchased the Zuiko 70-300mm lens, so far I like it alot, but there are something to note, zoomed out shakeing becomes a majoe factor, tripod or monopod a must, and it is most definatley a lens to be used with LOTS of light!
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