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light gallery

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Hello all.


Many years ago, I met an artist/ photographer in Black Canyon of the Gunnison,

Co, USA. As my right of passage journey with my 4x5 camera continued, we

stayed in touch and email tranmissions of my images somehow inspired her to

make the following web gallery for me, which some have said was very

futuristic and had a timeless look to it...




The reason I write this photo.net forum is to ask those in the know, what I

might do with the site, if I were able to obtain it from her and host it

myself. I know squat about HTML and so I am in the dark. Do you think the way

the site is designed, I can build on it and expand, as my work and themes



I heartily welcome any and all suggestions, ideas, criticisms.




Walt Puciata

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That is a VERY poor website from the point of updating etc, even if you where fluid in web design, you'd still have to use the Skew / Perspective tool on twice on EVERY new photo you wish to upload because of that stupid gallery layout.


Something more updatable could be done in Flash, and even keep the same Skew/Perspective effect on the Gallery without requiring multiple versions of the same image, but this would be expensive from a web designer.


The best idea for someone without much web design knowledge is to just use one of the image collection/editing programs which can generate a gallerys, I'm pretty sure I have seen people mention them on here however I can't think of any names off the top of my head :)

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I'd start from scratch if I were you. The site looks very much like a "Web 1.0" first generation site (i.e. outdated).


You can take a look at an article I wrote about setting up a website <a href="http://www.bobatkins.com/photography/tutorials/website/planning_website.html">HERE</a>


Some HTML knowledge will be very useful, but you can learn enough in a day or two to build a simple, clean website. Alternatively if you get hosting from many providers, they have autoinstall scripts for gallery systems like Coppermine or Gallery, so you really don't need to do anything if you are happy with those. If you want something simpler and more customizable, you can base it on something like Simpleviewer. I've played around with it a bit and made some test galleries (see <a href="http://www.bobatkins.com/images2/">http://www.bobatkins.com/images2/</a>), which needed very little added HTML.

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The Site is the most basic site that I have seen; links are broken; most rudimentary java functions embedded in html - dont touch it - , honestly learning html in one day would generate a better site - there are literally hundreds of web hosts whose site builders would generate a better site than that. let it go - start anew -
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  • 4 weeks later...
You can definitely do much, MUCH better. I'm not sure what your budget is but there are a huge range of tools, services, etc. out there for photographers and photography. I am only familiar with the more high-end (i.e. expensive) resources like bigfolio.com and photoidentities.com but hopefully someone else here can name some companies with more budget-friendly alternatives...
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