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Looking to help with Wedding Photography in Central Ohio.


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My wife and I started a little part time photography business shooting wildlife,

landscapes, and portraits. We thought it would be something to retire into later

on in life. <p>We never really thought much about getting into wedding

photography till everyone started asking us if we could shoot their kid's

weddings. My wife loves weddings so we did a few small ones and had a lot of fun

at it. They didn't turn out to bad either if I do say so myself. The thing is,

if I'm going to start doing more weddings like I've been asked to do, I'd really

like to go out with a few real pros to see how they do it.<p> I think it kinda

scares me that I could screw up someone's big day and I don't want to do that.

I've been reading books and all the articles on this and other sites to help me

get better. I've learned a lot but I'd really like to get more hands on before I

take any large jobs on. <p>If you're a Wedding Photographer in the Central Ohio

area, and would like some free help on a shoot, I'm available pretty much any

weekend and most evenings. I'm not looking to be slave labor for a day. I really

want to learn as much as I can. If you're interested, you can email me through

this site.<p> Thanks for any help. <br> Mike Godwin

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<a href="http://planetneil.com/tangents/">Here's a useful resource I found</a><p>


Wedding photography is somewhat of a dangerous topic because the pictures are a one-shot deal and if you were to lose them (for film either having the lab botch the processing or lose the film and digital either a hard drive failure and that garbaje) then you're screwed. With that in mind, take precautions but people still are wedding photographers and it's one of the most overpaid jobs so why not.

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Thanks Nicholas.<p>

Looks like more interesting reading.<p>

I do take precautions. One thing I do is I don't use memory cards larger then 1Gb. I carry 8 to use between both cameras and I change them when it says I still have room for 10 shots. I dump them as soon as possible and reformat them each time. I just don't trust them that much. I've seen them go bad. It's not a pretty site.<p>

It think the main thing I want to do is learn more about the formal shots. What lighting to use and such. I just started a class in portrait photography so I'm hoping to pick up some info there.

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