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Ye Olde Double Darks, help?


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When I purchased my 8x10 it came with a variety of double darks. Some of these

are fine, no problems, but about 5 of 8 wooden DDs might be warped or something.

Problem is that the actual dark slides do not move smoothly at all. They are

rough and difficult(some almost impossible) to move in and out of the film

holder. My immediate thought was that the wood was old and warped and what have

you but it may be something else. Has anyone had this experience and if so what

did you do to remedy the situation? I'd rather spend the money towards more

lenses than have to buy a buncha new DDs. Also, I did a search on the forums but

couldn't find an answer, I apologize if this has already been posted.



Thanks in advance for your responses,


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Have you tried exchanging some of the slides with some other holders? Take a loose fitting

slide and try it in a tight holder and see if it fits better. You may to match sides to holders.

Otherwise, maybe a little paraffin on the edge of the tight slides will help them slide into

the holders better.



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Old wooden slides usually have variable register depths, since they hark back to the old quarter inch or three-eighths plate holder depth, whereas modern plastic slides are all standardised. So it's worth checking that your slides match the register of your camera.


Wooden slides are usually only held together with small wood-screws, and come apart fairly easily IME. Once apart the felt or velvet light trap can be cleaned or replaced and any "gunk" cleaned out of the slide channels. I also second the use of a smear of parafin (candle)wax, this is an old carpenter's trick that eases any wood to wood friction.

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