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boudoir pics


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Hi i don`t know if this is appropriate or not but i am looking for someone to

take some boudoir style photos as a wedding present for my husband to be. a

friend suggested trying a site like this to see if there is anyone who would be

interested in doing them free or cheap to gain experience and build

portfolio? if anyones interested let me know....

wedding040708@hotmail.co.uk i live not too far from lincoln.

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Boy, in this day and age this idea makes me shudder. Since the internet, there has been a serious erosion of a person's ability to protect their privacy. Here are some things to think about. Sexy pictures, no matter how tasteful, can be extremely damaging and embarrasing, not to mention downright dangerous. How can you be sure that you have the ONLY copies of everything; negatives, proofs, darkroom waste, computer disk, hard drive, etc. etc. It is very difficult to know for sure.


Further, there is a danger of the pictures "getting out." This could be from many sources, but if it can happen to celebrities it can happen to anyone. I hate to bring this up, but many of the pictures posted on the internet are from an "ex" spouse.


It seems like a nice romantic idea, but my advice is to consider what you are doing very carefully, for your own sake. Once something gets on the internet, it is gone and can never be taken back.


Otherwise all the best for a long and wonderful relationship.


Lawrence, married 43 years.

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Lawrence's response seems unbelievably paranoid. I shoot strippers, sex performers, transvetites, people in all sorts of situations where "getting out" might be perceived as an issue, and the photos are on the web, in publications. "Boudoir" is mild compared to this, and I don't think "boudoir" photographers are going to mess with their clients unless they become big names. As long as you don't sign any releases, nothing should become public.


So have fun, find someone that can do a good job on the photos, and don't worry.

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Jeff, unbelievably paranoid? You seem unbelievably cavalier when you have nothing to lose by what this lady decides to do. I suggest caution. If people used more common sense, and took less advice from the "no worries" crowd, we just might see fewer tragic stories on the news. I stand by my comments, that she proceed with caution and careful consideration. I don't think that is being paranoid.
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I don't think anyone is going to admit to stealing images and posting them on the net or

doing anything else with them, but I'm sure it happens all the time. I agree that caution is


Statistical evidence that there are unethical, or perverted, or immoral, people out there?

Get real.


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Sadly, I've got to admit that with the advent of cheap digital SLR's and the "virtual" studio (a website) often replacing brick and mortar studios, there has arisen a lot of unqualified perverts who own a camera and call themselves a photographer. It's hard to develop a solid standard for "who is" and "who isn't" a safe choice for your boudoir photography. Hopefully, you'll know who is whom when you meet the person before the shoot. Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware) is always good advice.
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just don't have any pictures made that you wouldn't want your mother to see. And take a big friend to any meetings. <p>Even with all precautions in place, Photoshop can put your head on anyones body. And you could get hit by a bus when crossing the street, so be sure to have on clean underwear. <p>Paranoia drift is soooo common now, it's depressing. It seems everyone with a camera is a potential child molester these days. A grown man can't take pictures of a kid anymore with out being in danger of getting his ass kicked by the local vigilantes or held for questioning <i>under</i> the jail by the local gendarmes... t
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I am in Dayton Ohio. If you can get here I can take your portraits. You will get all the negatives. I need to get ready to shoot some brides I am having to do this year for there fiance's.


You can reach me at katseyephoto1@sbcglobal.net. My site is www.katseyephotography.net

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  • 1 year later...

<p>Wow, what a bizarre response to a simple request!<br>

There seems to be a consensus that boudoir photographs are going to be sleazy or embarrassing. Nothing should be further than the truth! And hell if you're worried about them falling into the wrong hands, take the pictures yourself, or with the help of a friend you trust. In this digital age, it has never been easier.<br>

But honestly, I cannot quite get my head around the general attitude here - think sensual, not sleazy!!!<br>

FWIW, I compiled a list of the major photographer directories on my site:<br>


I think they all have forums where you can ask for someone near you, then check out their portfolio and GET REFERENCES (same advice to all potential models).<br>

There is also lots of info on the site about taking the pics yourself. I've just posted an article on using a compact camera for boudoir photography - so anyone can do it!<br>


Hope that helps,<br>


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