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Noise level and grain on Portra 400NC


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Hello, I have a question on the noise level and the grain size of Portra 400NC.

I have attached a picture that I shot with A-1 and 50mm f/1.4 at wide open. It

was shot in the morning inside of a building with translucent windows that let

some light in. I believe the shutter speed was around 1/60s. I've scanned this

directly through a flatbed scanner Epson 4990 Photo in negative holders. Is this

too much noise for 400 ISO? Is my A-1's meter off? Any advice will be

appreciated. Thank you! Daniel Kim.<div>00OMQI-41631584.jpg.33cbd19f8eb4c7916243566b83950c01.jpg</div>

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film does not have noise any noise you find is induced by the scanner. As to grain size I shoot wedding stuff with Portra 400NC when I don't have enough light and I have never found it to have unacceptable grain much finer then most 400 ASA films

you can go on to Kodaks Pro site and get the exact spec's to compare to another film.


How does the negative look? is it nice and dense with a full range of tones?

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Scanning any regularly exposed film increases the apparent grain. For scanning purposes you need to over-expose your film (I know sounds nuts). If at all possible I use slide film because it has much less grain and scans very nicely, but sometimes that's not a good choice - especially when you need faster films and/or the latitude print film offers.
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I suspect this is a human meter problem and not a camera meter problem ;-)... your A-1 meter wanted to turn the large white wall behind your subject to middle gray and underexposed the negative, and you did not compensate.


The advice you had relative to over-exposure is headed in the right direction... don't be afraid to hit C-41 films at +2 f/stops for longer gray scales and more saturated colors, the only caveat being that while they will print like a dream in an enlarger the dense negative may be difficult to blast through in some scanners...

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