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Street photography and fine arts, I need to find some spot in between.


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It's not a belief, Robert, it is an observation which may or may not be factually correct. Orville may not fit this but that does not mean Eugene is wrong:<p> <i>Too many photographers I know are like this. They first start out in photography because they like taking pretty pictures; then they realize that a "pretty picture" is not enough to bring them any serious recognition; and so they fall to the charm of the supposedly anti-aesthetic grittiness and artiness that street photography exudes (BTW, this "grittiness" forms an aesthetic of its own, thus contributing to the SP's downfall by not making it fundamentally different from pretty-picture photography).


After a while, they realize that SP is only a very marginal genre, with its own group of followers who are mostly middle-aged men who meet mostly on the internet, and who fall into the either the category of hobbyists or outsider artists, and that SP does not and will not give them a ticket to the mainstream art establishment they hoped it would.<p>

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I don't know, there are lots of great blues guitarists sitting around playing in their

neighborhoods and maybe few people further than a hundred miles away know who they

are. Then there's Britney Spears, known by millions. Who has accomplished more and who

is happier?<p>


For myself, I get most of my satisfaction in photography when I get a good pic or two, and

have had a nice day going after it, and had the freedom and health to do it.<p>


btw I like your pic with the car in driveway Eugene, nice light on that one.

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Eugene nearly always has a point. Then he keeps sharpening the pencil until he's down to a tiny nub ... and the whole thing breaks off. :-)<p>


I'd be glad to make an example of Orville: He's <i>my example</i> of both an excellent street photographer and a friendly and helpful forumer. Know anywhere we can find another couple dozen like him ?

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Putting aside the ascribed motivations, Eugene's point has a certain validity. Street photography is often (not always but often enough) a closed loop with self-referencing photographers. Look at the Flickr street groups, even the curated ones adhere to a rigid formula. That's not to mention the aesthetic largely practiced on this forum.
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Andy, I'm in agreement with part of Eugene's point as well. Part of it describes my own (to date quite short) journey in photography.


But I part company where he gets to the "serious recognition" clause, and I'm out of the building long before he gets to the part about not getting "a ticket to the mainstream art establishment."


Serious recognition ? In the arts ? Me ? Ha ! I went through life unable to make anything that didn't end up an ashtray (no matter the assignment), nor draw anything much beyond a stick figure.

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Funny that Eugene mentioned Wolfgang Tillmans. Recently I saw an exhibit of his. It was a large exhibit at a big museum. And there's no question Tillmans has enjoyed quite a bit of artistic acclaim. He's attracted a following.


The only problem I had is that with darn few exceptions, I just didn't like the photographs. And his 'mixed media' work didn't do it for me either. Many people disagree. I have no problem with that.

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