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Can't take DSLR gear into concert. P & S?


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Although I'm not a concert-goer, I did attend a rare one within the last few months that had the same cautions: "No professional equipment allowed". I noticed dozens of people with SLRs around their necks, going in and coming out afterwards. No one was stopped, no one was checked. Lots of camera phones, lots of P&S as well. It probably depends on who is taking the tickets but I can assure you that with thousands of people crowding the gates, no one will be holding up the lines, searching people coming in the doors.
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Ya it is quite upsetting, this whole ordeal of not allowing "professional" equipment inside an event. Apparently a quick search shows that it happens quite often all over the country. I can understand the point to a certain degree to limit those who try to make a profit from selling prints or such but my guess is that over 80% or more of those just wish to get the best shots for their own personal collection.


After researching numerous point and shoots I have decided that the 40D or Xt and a fast prime is going to be the only guarantee for some decent shots of the concert so I am going to do my best to get at least the smaller XT and the 50mm lens in and maybe get a friend to sneak in the 85mm. If it works, great and if not then I'll just enjoy the concert with everyone else and make the best of the night.

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Two recommendations. Fuji and Ricoh make excellent point and shoot cameras that will

perform well in this situation. I recommend the ricoh because the new one has an f/2

aperture which is as wide of an aperture as you'll find on a P&S. It also has aperture priority

shutter priority, and manual which is nice in a P&S. I'd recommend using this camera in

shutter priority at a high ISO.



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I have a S40. The S40 has the same sensor as the G9.


This sensor is a NOISE MAGNET above 400 iso. Don't bother with 800 iso.


There ain't no way you are going to get properly exposed shots. The ONLY way to go is to set the camera WIDE OPEN with the SLOWEST shutter that you can tolerate. Don't forget the 1/shutter rule.


Then fix it in photoshop. . . .if you can.


And if you get a G9: shoot raw. Raw mode is the only reason to get a G9 over a S40 (I guess today's camera is a S50).


Key thing is to have a camera that can shoot manual mode. Wide open, best shutter you can tolerate, ditch the flash mode. . . and hope for the best.

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Jay, should be a fun show.


For what it's worth, I have a G7, G3 and a slew of Canon dSLRs. If these pictures are mostly for your brother, he's not going to give a rats if there's a little noise or even a lot of noise. The fact that he has pictures from the concert he went to will be the most important thing. Granted the G7 (can't speak for the G9 but I'm sure it's about the same) is noisy at high ISOs but it still might be a good choice.


I was faced with the same problem taking my daughter to a Simple Plan concert a couple of years ago. It wasn't as big a venue as you'll have but I was happy with what I got. I took in my G3 after the kind ticket lady told me that no way was I getting in with my dSLR. I ended up making a montage of the pictures I took and had it printed at 24x36. My daughter loves the image and no poster bought at the concert could come close to meaning as much to her. So that's one idea...make a montage of images so no one shot needs to be too big. Hopefully, my montage is attached.


Another thing to keep in mind with the G9: It has a movie mode. Again, the quality will be poor but your brother would probably love it. Just take lots of memory.


I bought a G7 specifically to take to China. I didn't want to lug all my camera gear around as I've done for so many vacations. It couldn't have been a better decision. The G cameras are outstanding even with the high ISO noise. I'll try to attach a picture or two from a show in China taken inside, obviously with no flash.


Good luck and enjoy the show.<div>00OBcC-41333184.jpg.19219492470cb2ac1b04d3dff588c886.jpg</div>

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Excellent images!


Ironic how the last concert I took him to and also made a collage of images for him was the Simple Plan concert at the same venue as the one Ozzy will play at!


Awesome captures indeed! I just found out that security there is going to be extremely tight because there was already one show played last night and the next is tomorrow evening. We'll be on the floor and I guess there will be no chance of getting in with an SLR so after seeing your images and the excellent work I am going to purchase the G9 tomorrow and stock up on some memory and hope the battery lasts for the show as I don't believe I can use AA's with that body.


Thanks for sharing your photos, that helped tons!

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Well I ended up purchasing the Canon S5 IS because I could not find the G9 locally in time for the concert!


All in all I was happy with the results for this Point and Shoot and would use it again if need be. Thanks to everyone for the advice and although the S5 IS did not do the absolute best when the light was extremely low (as with any p&s really), it definitely did the job and I'd recommend it if you cannot take your DSLR with you.


I do not know how to add images on here yet so here is a link to a few of the images with the Canon S5 IS. Thanks again for the help!




Ozzy In Halifax! Black Rain Tour 2008

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