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Apeture Corruption

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Further to the other forum postings on file corruption, I am going to add this.

I have been having problems since last summer (northern hemisphere) when I

upgraded my whole system. I used to run a Mac Powerbook G4 with iPhoto and a

point and shoot Sony DSC T1. Then I went mad, I bought a MacBook Pro with huge

Ram, Aperture, and a silly little EOS 5d with all the lenses....yes I went

mad....I blame it all on Philip Greenspun and his reviews. Anyway, since then I

have been blasting my way through every day, happily producing loads of

deleterious material that should really be consigned to the trash, but hey I've

spent a lot of money and now I"m looking at it.


Anyway, imagine, the best laptop, the best camera I could afford, the best

lenses money can buy, and Aperture....the "best photo editing/storage facility

you can get this side of heaven" etc,etc. Well, nearly every download of files

to Aperture has this BLIGHT in it. Don't worry, the original file data is all

safe somewhere on another disc, but in my beloved Mac, with my beloved Aperture

I get this in about 5% of my files.......and I spent all that money. It ain't

right, Apple have got a lot of stuff they need to sort out, and my photos should

be top of their list.<div>00O7Zx-41207284.thumb.jpg.c9bd16283878f6f91449d332504259d2.jpg</div>

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