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How do you make money with your photography?

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We had a thread about photography being the new real estate. The entrance fee is low enough. It sounds easy. It may even be doing something you love. If you can pull it off,that is fine, have the personal skills, and the time that Bob Atkins is talking about(not just being on time and having a well designed web site which anyone can gin up,and a business card and a winning smile.) Everyone takes a shot at it I suppose.


Lady at the place that does my tailoring: "Hey, you want to shoot my niece's wedding? Why not,you pretty good with the camera." No thanks lady. It is too much like work and the net hourly rate if you add the whole shebang,-assume one decides to pays state excise tax and Fed taxes, does not net much over time. Nor substitute for opportunity with family costs lost. If you can sell the landscapes at a craft fair,and have a miter saw to make your own frames,why not try that too... I mean,Shay, you know your are going to have to try these efforts to prove the answer to your own mind.

It sounds like a natural for Man With a Camera. Low overhead like the shade tree mechanic who does brake jobs at night. It may help to spice your resume. Convince your fiancee that you got a pay for itself good taste hobby. Making money over the long haul, I am still iffy about. Read that older thread- Is Photography the New Real Estate? in the archives. Be well, don't develop gear lust and spend your wedding job paycheck. Diversify your mutual funds and keep the 401k full. Don't turn everything into work all at once. Good luck too. See what the Business Forum has to say.gs

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Look about you: MILLIONS of paid photos are taken DAILY by full time pros, and part time hackers, and there are tens of thousands of them. How do you make money in ANY work? You learn the required skills, then range about to find clients. It's THAT simple. If you are without both photographic and business skills, and a poor problem solver, find another line of work. Trust me.
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"You could always hang out outside LA nighclubs and hope for Britney and friends to do something stupid. You could make more from pictures of that than you could in 10 years working weddings every weekend."

True enough,old sport. Watch out if you are shooting the likes of Russell Crowe and other crazy Aussies :-). And remember as Art will, Old Blue Eyes-- may he rest in peace. I am getting at need for full orthodontic dental for the papparizi insurance. Correct me if I err on that one,or is chutzpah plus assertive elbows enough? I say stick to weddings and boudoir portraits for a start. I had a go at weddings once and it is respectable and no loss of bicuspids at risk.. Also dogs! Sure,doggies. I just today picked up a sales card at our grooming shop, "Classy Clippins,"(where I buy pricey holistic kibble for Morgen.)

Photo biz card says "Contemporary Pet Photography at our studio or your best friend's favorite location." (Hah. Mine is near the dog pee smells at the park ...LOL,sorry I could nor resist)..


Card shows these 3 ugly bull terriers by a lovely leeward coast beach at sunset,goofy lookin critters. Somebody loves them nonetheless and will pay. So,another idea for the money pot. If you are a dog whisperer with camera,why not?

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I think some may be a little confused by possibly the way I phrased the question. I mean to say how do "you" the one reading this make money with your photography. Like Ralph said above. He said he does it with "photojournalism, sports and commercial work."
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Well, Shay B., when you referenced the previous thread as the 'provocation'-and that one dealt with the economic impact on professionals and how one NOW competes in the marketplace and earns serious money at it,perhaps it came across jsut a bit like your were maybe traweling for ideas and a path to growing something yourself.Not.


What you meant was " I was -just for the hell of it,- (wondering,-apropos of nothing special,- if anybody who reads this is earning any money from their photography right now or during past tax year. If so, kindly list,(for the hell of it and my curiosity),general category of stuff you make a buck out of/ or enough to cover expenses if you will?. Well, In that event,I make zilch not even from any " whatever." Trop mal. Like Powell. But did at one time some. Past tense. As many do and did or wanted to or never thought to do,or maybe made their bucks in the stock market during the gay '90s and bought more hobby gear with the proceeds.. (I wonder if that book,How to make 50K a year in photography' is still in print? Never mind. It's late. And this is the chat room after all so others may get something out of all the above chit chat) gs

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