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Photo.net's home page

will king

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Perhaps Josh would like to consider changing the selection method of photos

displayed on the homepage of photo.net (Daily sampling of our members' work)


It's painfully obvious that the system randomly chooses highly rated photos.

The issue with that is, some of the highest rated photos are the worst photos

only to be vaulted to the top by the packs of mate raters. But, that's a

another issue for another time. There currently is an image on the homepage

that depicts someone giving the middle finger to all the 3/3 raters out there.

This image received a plethora of 7/7 votes from members who share the feeling

of frustration of these low 3/3 voters. While I find this image humorous

because I understand the statement it's trying to make, I wouldn't think it's

an ideal image to have on the site's homepage for new members or visitors who

do not understand what it's trying to say other that F you. Just a thought.

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Yeah, that's not great.


However, this is sort of a problem no matter how we set up the front page. If we set it to just choose random images, that would do nothing to keep images like that from appearing.


I suppose I could delete the image, but that's not really the right answer either. People can post up silly images like that if they want.


It's a problem with no easy solution.

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Can you set this site up so that the same people can't rate a photograph more than once? I visit several sites that limit you to one (1) vote, signing one petition, etc.


I am new to this site and am appalled that people would and could vote more than once to rate anyone's photograph. I guess that they vote for themselves over and over. That is sad because I know that the site wasn't created to be used in that way. Thanks, Pat

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Josh, I don't think deleting the image is the answer. Why not have the elves or some other selection committee choose the photos that get displayed on the homepage. I've seen a lot of very good images that do not get high ratings and for those images to be excluded from the blind system that ONLY chooses higly rated photos, doesn't seem just.
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<i>"Why not have the elves or some other selection committee choose the photos that get displayed on the homepage."</i>


That would be a pretty big job for a volunteer group. And at the moment we don't have the interface to make that work even if we did have 20-30 fair/unbiased/non mate-rater "elves" that were willing to do the job.


Photo.net had 19,000 images uploaded in the past week. There are a lot of images to look through on the site. Some stuff just has to be automated. I would prefer to spend the time re-programming the ratings system in a quixotic attempt to make it work as we initially intended.

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I think it's much better to do the selection automatically rather than having a committee chose the images. Less potential bias.


If you want a commitee chosen image, just see the POW


Better to have automatic image choice, but change it frequently enough that no particular set of images gets undue exposure.


It might be an idea to make it easy for site administrators to delete a particular image from the set if the random choice of top photos throws up something unfortunate.

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I think a simple solution that would please Will and others that feel as he does is this: Peg the rating number that is used to choose the images down a notch or two to include a wider pool of images. Do this a couple of days a week and see if anyone notices a drop in "quality". It they don't, might be a good and popular idea to continue.
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Close Tim, but not quite. It appears that the system randomly chooses images that are rated 6.4 or above which is a good starting point by excludes a lot of images that are excellent but perhaps does not appeal to the masses that rate images, not to mention the images that are Critique Only. So why not mix it up a bit? I'm sure the elves don't agree on the same image when selecting the POW. Why not allow some runner ups to be displayed on the Daily sampling of our members' work?
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