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Uploading To The Computer- Problems


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I just recently took 123 pictures with a Nikon D40x using a 2 GB Transcend memory card. The pictures

came out fine with a few minor problems- however thats not the big issue.


These photos were taken for a photography course I am sitting in right now in class. The period prior to

this period, literially 35 minutes ago, I was viewing all of the photos I took on the camera with my friend.

The photos were all there, and me and my friend Tim were looking at them- 35 minutes ago.


I just took the card out of the Camera and hooked it up to the computer and tried to upload the images

from my camera to the Mac. This is where the problem lies. I connected the card and nothing uploaded.

Ok, thats fine so I tried to do it manually. When I uploaded the photos manually, only TWELVE photos

uploaded and NONE of which were taken by me. None of the 12 photos were pictures that were on the

camera when I was viewing the pictures I took 35 MINUTES ago. It was like their was a hidden folder on

the card and the only those pictures are able to be uploaded.


To further complicate the problem, my 123 photos or whatever it was WERE NOT uploaded. Any computer

I hook the card up too WILL upload the 12 photos that I did not take though. When I hook the card back

up to the camera- The camera says that NO photos are in the camera and that the card is empty. The

camera was never formatted, nor even touched from the 35 minutes ago I was viewing the pictures.


When I try to manually upload something else from the card(i dont really know what it is, im assuming its

the pictures that I took), I am given an error that says


/volumes/NIKON D40X/NIKON001.DSC is the error


NIKON001.DSC is the file


Does ANYONE have any idea whats going on, because my teacher who has been teaching for 17 years has

no idea what is happening either.

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what in the world? what format are you shooting in? .NEF? .JPG? Perhaps it is a problem with your computer not being able to read .NEF?<br>

What are these mysterious 12 pictures that you are actually able to transfer? jpegs? You didn't take these pictures? Do you recognize the subject of these pictures? Is it possible that you have mistakenly switched cards with someone else?<br>

you should be able to check the properties of the card to see how much data is stored on it and how much free space is left. I'd estimate that 123 NEF pictures will fill up about 40% of a 2gb card. What is your computer telling you?<br>

If you do not recognize the pictures on the card, then it is not your card and it has been switched with someone elses. If the card is not as full as you think it should be with 123 pictures on it, then it does not contain the data you are seeking.<br>

heh, good luck let us know how it turns out. Also mark your card with your name or whatever to avoid possible mix-ups in the future.

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It sort of sounds as there are images on the card from some other camera or photo session, and that that is confusing the download software and perhaps also the camera. Either that or there is some corruption. If you view the card with whatever the Mac version of Windows Explorer is, what folders do you see? Can you go into the folders and, when you do, what's in them?


If the card has been corrupted, you may be able to recover your files with one of the numerous flash card undelete / file recovery utilities.

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Sounds strangely like a case of "the dog ate my homework." With the unknown-source 12

photos, sounds like separate files on the card- maybe just something overlooked? Maybe a

corruption issue. Don't have a helpful answer, but I can relate to the frustration.

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There is absolutely NO chance that the card was switched. My name was on the card, so it's deffinitly the correct card.


I have no idea what format I am shooting in, and I will not be able to answer any questions OR try any of the methods you guys are telling me until maybe tommorrow, deffinitly wednesday.


Looking at the properties of the card will be the first thing I do to see if the photos ARE actually still on the card. Hopefully most of the memory is taken up...


I have checked all the folders in the card, and all that comes up are the 12 "ghost" photos that are not in the camera when the card is in the camera.


Douglas Lee- When you say "formatted" what do you mean? Each card that we use in the class is only used for a particular type of camera I.E. Nikon, Canon, etc. I did not go into the menu of the camera and hit "format"- The card had only 4 photos on it so I felt I didn't need to clear the memory. I also did not want to delete any photos that weren't mine in case another student hadn't uploaded them to a computer yet. I wasn't aware that formatting the card did more then just wipe the card out.


And I won't be able to give information on the folders and what types of folders there are until possibly tommorrow, more likely on wednesday.


On wednesday I have a 2 hour "midterm" period. Can't cut this one either...So I will be on this forum for 2 hours hopefully solving my problem


You guys have helped a ton so far, hopefully this all gets sorted out when I get the camera/card back into my hand.

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This is obvious but just in case:<br>

if the pictures you are trying to recover are important to you be very careful <b>not to format the card</b> until you have tried all your options. Formatting will completely erase everything on your card...But you knew that of course - you may now hit me.<br>

Cards can be had for cheap if you keep an eye on the sales, 2gb cards can be under $20. If you wind up losing the photos I'd think about tossing the untrustworthy card.<br>

If you wind up getting in to the properties of that card and your computer reads that it is quite full, then something, possibly your photos, in in there and it should somehow be recoverable. Any computer gurus in that school of yours? Bring the card to a computer class and ask the teacher to have a look?

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OK... these might be silly questions but...


Are you the original user of that card? It sounded to me like someone else used the card in their camera before you used it (re the 4 pics that were there)


It doesn't matter if the camera before yours was a Nikon or even if it was a camera just like yours, it's not a good thing to do without formatting it inbetween cameras. Just don't format it right now!


If the card has been used before, even in another Nikon, it should make different folders so one might have your 123 pics, another has the 12 pics etc. And on top of that, sometimes when one is unfamiliar with manually moving pictures off a card, one actually moves them instead of copying them - that may be what happened to the 12 pics.


Until you can look at the actual file folders on the card it will be difficult to tell what is going on.

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