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Where to get the 43mm ltd?


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So I am in the process of making the switch from minolta to pentax. I am not

selling all my minolta lenses yet though - there is always hope for a cheap full

frame camera from sony!


I just ordered the K10D yesterday from beachcamera. What a day to get it - it

was obsolete within an hour after I ordered it :) But there is no way I can

afford the K20D anytime soon, so no problems there.


I am trying to get the 43mm/1.9 ltd lens before the rebate expires next week. I

saw it at beach camera a couple of weeks ago for $449-$100(rebate), and at

adorama for $459-$100. But it is out of stock at both places. So my questions are:


- how is digital foto club? They seem to have fairly decent resellerratings.

They have the lens for $457-$100, but I am afraid they might send a gray market

version. Anyone have experience with them? The other option is getting it from

B&H, but that means an extra $20 (which is quite a bit for a grad student).


- does anyone know if Pentax would have another rebate after this one expires? I

am willing to wait a few weeks for adorama/beach to have the lens in stock if I

can get the rebate then.


thanks all!

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A while back I asked wether the long time Pentaxians thought Pentax would another rebate after the current one ends; I've only been following Pentax for about six months. It's hard to say with the current product introductions and the Hoya merger coming to a end this quarter what will happen. But after digging into it deeper I'm betting they do another one. Rebate history is on the Pentax USA web site at: http://www.pentaximaging.com/purchase/rebates_offers/expired_rebates.jsp


History is no guarantee of what they will do but they have been running back to back rebates since November 2005 with only a one to two week gap between rebates. The FA limited's have been every rebate since 2005 at $100 ea. So I think there is a reasonable chance they will offer it again on these lenses.


That said if you want the lens and can afford; a guaranteed $100 bucks back is a good reason to buy now.



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I had a very bad experience with Tristate once, after having been previously satisfied. After that I no longer trusted them.


There is also no guarantee the lens will not be discontinued!! One of the best Pentax lenses, too. But the trend has been to replace the FA with DA lenses, and there is a DA 40mm f/2.8 Limited ultra pancake lens, which though even smaller, is not in the same class as the 43mm, in the opinion of many including myself.


My advice is take the deal from B&H. This lens sold for years, for even more, with no rebate.

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They have the silver?? I have not seen that in a while. Looks great on my silver/black film models like the ZX-L and ZX5n. Has a special glow to the finish. I think it looks ok on a black DSLR too, but opinions differ there. I have a black 43 as well and it is still sleek and nice, more subdued, yet still with an obviosly superior soft glow finish. They both show quality.


Makes me wonder if the bottom of the barrel is being scraped, and that is what they could get now from over seas.

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Justin , can you elaborate more about your tristate experience?<br>

As I wrote before, it is now for 3 years the first place where I look for a quote, and the first shop I advise a friend when asked.<br>

Sincerely I have no interest promoting them simply because I am in Europe with a US customer that I meet 3 times in a year, and one month before these seasonly meetings I make all my purchases online with delivery at my customer office , he being the "transporter" :)<br>

First time 3 years ago was the first big purchase of 3 lenses and a flash, and their invoice of $1150 would be at B&H $1380... I think is convinging enough to stuck with them... Long time they were listed in Nikon forums as the best source for the flagship flashgun, the SB800.

Also they have on their site the marks of pricegrabber and bizrate as valuable merchant.<br>

I have seen in various forums very sensible persons ready to label bait and switch a seller only because they proposed to buy a filter for a lens purchases. This is a common practice, it depends how insistent is the seller and finaly if it condition the sale of the lens by the filter. Was my case too, but after a polite and firm "No thanks, only the lens" he didn't insist and send the package. <br>

For this reason, I want to clarify what are the PERSONAL experiences of any of you that make you asserting such things about tristate.<br>

To begin with such stories, I want to describe my very different and personal bad experiences about Adorama, which many of you regard as a very reputable seller. For THREE times I ordered lenses from them listed as "in stock", and they responded after 10-15 days that they don't stock that item and if I maintain my order. Every time the response comes only some days before my "transporter" leave US, putting me in a very urgent and unpleasant situation to find very quickly other source with a second day delivery at a much higher price. Never considering to deal with Adorama since then...

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Renato, my favorite 2 stores are B&H and 17th street. They have been very cooperative to accommodate any problem. My experience with Tri State was far worse than yours with Adorama. Some years back I bought my 2nd purchase from them, a lens with a US rebate. They sent me a gray market one. I called and got the run around. they said they already took the rebate off the price, and the store would provide warranty. The price was just a few bucks lower than B&H. They would not do anything or return my calls afterward.


Only after I wrote a letter complainig to POP Photo, having them as check rated, TRi State called me up and made everything right.

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Bill, I totally disagree, though different people have different photographic needs. I hear where you're coming from. Using the 40/43mm FL for a long time with film, it is easy to expect or look for similar use aspects on a DSLR. The 43 LTD is very versatile with film as a semi wide angle. It is a "normal" lens with some extra width.


On a DSLR, however, the change in field of view reverses the role of the 43 LTD to a short tele, more versatile than other tele primes, letting more into the frame! Good for portraits, yet still good for small 2-person or small group shots or scenery. A 50mm is more restrictive, and a 35mm is more general view, niether wide nor tele, and not comparatively well suited for portraits.

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