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Renting an 8x10 for a week.


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I want to give 8x10 a try. This will be my first attempt at LF, I know shoot mostly MF. I shoot mostly outdoors and will ultimatly use 8x10 for contact printing, both color and B&W.




I was wondering were I can rent a full system for a 3-7 days. I know it's expensive, but for this first try at LF, I'd like to shoot polaroid. Does anyone know of a store that can set me up? I'd need the camera, lens, holder, and processer. Or is it better to first try sheets? I have access to two good labs, one for color, the other B&W.




Any feedback would be great.





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Where do you live?




others are Gassers, Keeble & Schuchat, Glazers, PPR, Aperture, Pro

Set, pro Camera, City Photo, etc. There are lots of rental houses but

a location would help to direct you to one.




you might also check the PDN web site. they regularly publish rental

house info in their magazine.

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For the record, should someone be curious about this question in the

future, here are typical rental rates in Chicago for an 8x10 kit (these

prices are from Helix at 312.421.2806).




A "kit" includes the camera, a normal lens (300mm or 360mm), 5 film

holders, focus cloth, and case (large changing bag supplied on request

at no charge). All you have to supply is the film and the tripod

(they'll rent those too, charging $10-12 per day/ 30-36 per week for

Gitzo 4's and 5's). Kit prices (per day/week/month) for various 8x10's:




Sinar P2 - 80/240/720

Sinar P - 60/180/540

Sinar F1 - 50/150/450

Horseman LX/C - 55/165/495

Deardorff - 40/120/360




A weekend is one day if you pick it up after 4:00 Friday and return it

by 9 a.m. on Monday (that's at Helix; at Calumet, you have until

Tuesday at 9, but they don't rent any 8x10's except Cambos and Zone

6's, not that those are bad). Since a week at most rental places is

three times the day rate, if you're going to keep it three days you

might as well keep it for seven.




Oh yes; at Helix a Polaroid film processor is $20/day, $60 per week.




It really isn't THAT expensive to rent before you buy, but note: you

will have to prove credit for the total value of the equipment (ranges

from $3210 for the Deardorff kit to $10,470 for the P2). Better have

ample balance on the old credit card. Helix makes you set up an

account, while I THINK Calumet (312.440.8209) only requires an imprint

of your credit card. FWIW...

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Jeff: Have you considered giving 4x5 a try before 8x10? Since this is

your first attempt at large format, 4x5 will give you a feel for LF a

lot easier and cheaper. Even the Poloroid for 4x5 is a lot cheaper.

An 8x10 camera is a lot heavier, the film holders are heavier, tripod

and lenses a lot heavier. The whole outfit is more cumbersome to set

up and can be quite difficult to shoot with without some experience

in LF. I certainly don't knock 8x10 and use one myself, but it can be

a pain in the old tush to use. Jumping from medium format to 4x5

takes some getting used to, as well a a major shift in the thinking

process while shooting.

On the plus side, there is little in photography more satisfying than

looking through an 8x10 ground glass and watching a scene come

together. Few things in photography are as satisfying as an 8x10

contact print with wire sharpness and brilliance that most

photographers never get to enjoy.

I certainly am not trying to discourage you from using an 8x10, but I

sincerely think a little experience in large format would be helpful

before tackling one of the monsters to keep you from getting


Good luck and welcome to your entry into large format. You will not

be disappointed.


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Hi Jeff,




Doug offers some real good advice. Years ago I went from 35 to MF,

no big deal, then I went to 4x5, a much bigger deal. After using 4x5

for a few years I gave 8x10 a try and it's a lot different. I

consider using my 4x5 like using a 35 comapred to 8x10. If this

really is your first time with LF you may not like it if you just try

8x10. OTOH, once you see a contact print from 8x10, you'll love it!




Regards & Happy Holidays!

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My conclusion after trying 8x10 (vs. 4x5) is that it's cumbersome,

slow, and expensive compared to 4x5, and it's really only necessary

if you want to make contact prints or for shots containing lots of

small details. One thing you might consider if you decide to go w/

4x5 is to get some lenses that cover 8x10 (e.g., Schneider 150XL

works great as a superwide) and have them mounted in a universal

board (e.g., Linhof), so if you decide to rent a 8x10, the brand of

rental camera will likely have a Linhof adapter.

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