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Wide angle on full frame and filter use

bill chardon

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Finally pulled the trigger on a 5D. With the pixma 9500 and rebate, I don't

think the price will be much more "right".

So now I get rid of my 35mm film camera and can get that 16-35 to really be a

wide angle. Not that I'll need this anytime soon being in Michigan, (gray, gray,

gray) but I'll want to use that lens with a polarizing filter. I'm looking for

suggestions. Will my B&W give me vignetting problems? If not, great. If so, do

you have any suggestions?

Thanks, Bill

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I have a polarizer for my 16 mm equivalent (Sigma 10-20). You have to be very careful to avoid strong sky gradients, but at times it does come in very helpful - e.g. controlling reflections on water and foliage and such.


As for vignetting, bring your camera and lens to your local shop when you're shopping for a filter. Ask for a regular filter and shoot a few frames. If it vignettes, try the slim filter.


It may seem like a no-brainer to get a slim filter just in case, but be aware that lens caps don't attach to slim filters.


You may also want to look into a ND gradient filter set.

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"you can buy slim filters that lack a front filter thread or have an oversized front element (I think B+W call them extra-wides)."


That's perhaps the only limitation of the B+W - Heliopan make SH-PMC slim filters with front threads though (and they use the same Shott glass as B+W, and are very much on-par quality wise).

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I have a Hoya Pro 1 DMC polarise. It has a very slim profile, but also has front threads making it possible to use the standard lens cap. It is so slim I am sure it would not vignette and it seems a much better solution than using a slim filter without front threads.
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