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Want to open a photo studio.


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Hello everyone, I am very new into photo business. You know what I am not even

in the business, looking forward to be. Anyhow my question is this. In the next

few months I am going to rent a studio or a big garage for my place. So here is

my question what kind of equipment would I need. All I have is my camera a Sony

R1 not the best for beginner. My goal is taking pictures of local people and

local car dealers cars. I hope there is someone out there that can give me some

idea on what kind of equipment I would need. Thank you in advance for your time.

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You need to find a Small Business Administration office (in you are in the U.S.) and get some information from them on the "what you need" to set up your business.




Aside from capital to pay the rent, you may need a local business license, a sales tax number, a business checking account, and maybe insurance. And after the first year, a nice I.R.S. contribution will probably need to be made each quarter you are in business.





A local accountant may be a good place to visit, too. He or she will know the state and local requirements for getting started.

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By "pictures of local people," do you mean portraiture? And by "dealer's cars," do you intend for the dealers to drive the cars into your studio, or will you shoot them on site?


A "good studio" will be well located, attractive and up to date, will have a reception area, a restroom, a make up vanity, a large enough shooting area, a high enough ceiling, a good set of studio strobes,

a good background set up, air conditioning, a camera and computer of professional quality, and an assistant, IF you want to do things right. The above advice is also good. Also, you should have sufficient operating capital, which the SBA will cover well. It always helps if you know how to take quality


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Good answers above. The best way to think of the question is, "I want to set up a business in a physical place where I will be providing a service that is also offered by many other people." The fact that it is photography and that some equipment will be required is completely secondary to the up-front work that needs to be done to see if the larger effort is achievable, sustainable, and even desireable (in terms of what the local competition will allow you to earn).
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Wow to all of you with your answers. I did not expected to any answers anytime soon. Not I just got them soon I also ended up getting the best answers I need for it.


To Gerald W. Litynski- my brother in law is willing to help me out with all the paper work and I do have some capital for the business. But I will look into finding an accountant. Thank you for your help.


To Art Haykin- Yes portraiture is the correct word for my explanation. And for the cars yes it is going to be indoors. When you have time can you give me some details on what exactly I might need for the studio in regards taking pictures?


To Matt Laur- Well my brother in law is a well known car fanatic so getting the attention of the car dealers should not be a problem. And to the portraiture part, well I work in a strip club and the girls need their pictures taken for their personal use. So I guess I am covered with clients so far. I am sorry to say that I am not an artist like most of you are. I am looking into this as a small business for myself.


Thank you all for your effort and time, but if I have given you the wrong idea of myself I would like to apologize for it. This is going to be a business not an artist?s work shop.

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Cars are among the toughest products to shoot. There is a high reflection problem, requiring skill. You'll need several fairly powerful lights and several reflectors.

Many pros even use neutral dulling sprays to combat unwanted glare and reflections. Just the lighting and test shooting a car can take hours until you get some experience. Before accepting a car shoot, I'd so some serious reading on the subject, and some tests as well.

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