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Pentax/photo Wiki?


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Does anybody knows Pentax-related (and just photo-oriented) Wiki?<br>

I think it would be nice to have such one as an addition to the forum, because

there are so many repeating questions can be easily organized on Wiki. Actually

I believe integration of forum and Wiki formats should replace plain forums in

the future.

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I use the search here often.. On the right hand side, type your topic, click go, and it gives you a bunch of related stuff. Sometimes though, since the search goes back years, it's hard to find relevent information.. Like, the first few pages on K10D might reveal rumors of it. then later on, actual information, etc, etc.. It really pays to refine your searches here.
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Yeah, I agree with Tom. Often people neither search or look 10 post down before posting a question. Also, did anyone ever hear of a search engine.


Some good ones are Yahoo, Ask.com, and of course the ubiquitous Google.


While it understand that younger kids and teenagers don't understand how to use a library, and in fairness, it makes sense, just like most older people are computer challenged, I can't understand how people in their mid 20-40's don't have a grasp of both the paper/brick world and the digital when researching a topic.


It would seem that before asking basic questions like "I always see shutter speed listed as a fraction, but my camera doesn't show them as fractions, is there a formula used to convert them". yes, it's called common sense and a good photography book, or even a bad photography book.


And finally, while there are 22 post a week asking if the 35mm FA is a good lens, 27 asking if the 31mm is worth $900. 153 asking why there aren't any Pentax lenses over 200mm, and of course the rumor mill of companies collapsing along side the rumored specs of the next model, the recurrence of topics mirrors that of life. Every darn day my wife ask me how work was, and every day (barring an amazingly crappy event) I say, it was just like yesterday. I should create a wiki for that too!!! My point being, if not for recurring topics all newsgroups and bulletin boards would cease to exist.

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No, I'm not annoyed. actually I think the Wiki makes sense but not as a solution to ending pointless, or rather, often recurring topics.


I've been on forums with "sticky topics" at the top, and people still start a new thread, essentially asking whats in the topic above their post. This forum is bad bacause you can't delete a post.


Nah, the only thing the annoys me is negativity and unwillingness to fix a problem that you see instead of complaining about it.


31mm ?


I think the overall consensus, is the 31mm is amazing, and worthy of all the acclaim, but that the 35mm 2.0 happens to be exceptionall good as well, so optically they are very close, but build wise they are far apart.


My take? Buy 2 35mm f/2 lenses, and a 21mm DA* (or 70mm) for just a few bucks more (or less) than the 31mm FA*.


Oh, shoot, you could have found that 17 post down...

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"31mm ?"


LOL! Justin, I can not believe you dignified that with a response. You're too kind. Of course you know I was completely kidding about my previous post in response to your tallies of how many times the same question is asked over and over.

I will be in the market for purchasing a razor-sharp lens for landscape and architecture photography and your statement gives me a nice launching point to research which one I'd like so, uh, thanks for the answer to my joke and saving me the rigors of looking 17 posts down.

As for Wiki, anything to streamline searching for topics would be awesome but I DO like the individual attention you can get with a question on a forum. Photography is an art, after all, and there are lots of varied situations and different approaches to them and, for someone trying something or looking to add a new piece of equipment to their r'epertoire, this forum is invaluable.

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Morgan I did note the 17 post down thing...I was hedging my bet you were actually asking the question, but also covering myself in case your weren't.


Besides what if someone one day does use that little search box, and the first thread they look at is this one, we'll have solved the dilema of dropping $900. And perhaps, not see that post for maybe another day or two.

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