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adventure photo advice needed

adventure travel and photo

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<p>Good day everyone,</p>

<p>I’m a journalism student based in Costa Rica. Been working in the

outdoors travel industry for a few years now, creating a project called Euforia

Expeditions (www.euforiaexpeditions.com). </p>

<p>I’ve recently been asked to cover a race called The Coastal Challenge

which takes place in most of the Northern Pacific, an expedition type ultra

marathon with the participation of some of the most amazing trail runners of the


<p>Most of my photography evolves around concerts and some travel, but mainly

lowlight rock (or alike) concert photography.</p>

<p>I’m wondering if there are any adventure photographers out there

who’d be willing to share some knowledge with me. On the trail tips, gear

tips, links, etc.</p>

<p>I’m used to spending times at the forests around Costa Rica, I love

adventure racing, but this will be the first ever race I’d be taking the

cams with for an assignment.</p>

<p>I’ll take with me, besides computer and peripheral equipment:</p>

<p>- Nikon D70 (with body armour) – 1 xtra batt<br />

- Nikon D2H – no spare batt, but it’s good to up to 8Gbs. <br />

- Nikon 18-200 VR lens<br />

- Nikon 28-70 (on the cheap end, but as a spare)<br />

- Sigma 70-300 (as a spare)<br />

- Nikon SB600 Flash</p>

<p>This is pretty much what I’ll be carrying on the trails, I won’t

take the extra 70-300 sigma though, will leave it at the media vehicle, with all

other stuff.</p>

<p>Thanks in advanced for your help!</p>

<p>Andres </p>

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the 50.18 is a great suggestion, I'd ditch the telephoto personally, seems like unnecisary

weight. A monopod might be nice, there is a good one out there that doubles as a walking

stick, i can't remember who makes it.

additionally I'd probably bring more cards and more batteries rather than taking a computer,

weight is going to be a huge issue.

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The computer, along with the gearbox full of apparel stays at the campsites, i won't be carrying that around. i have to get the 50mm, although there's only one stage where the runners will be underneath foliage, 5 out of 6 stages is open air and extreme sun. North Pacific this time of the year is quite windy and extremely bright. i will be able to charge batts every night at campsites.


thanks for the fast replies!

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Hi Andres,


I used to run ultramarathons, before my body gave out on me. Some of my more durable friends have run in that race - Mark Hartinger, Gene Traherne, Chris Ralph, Tom Ripley, and Mike Miller are all friends from Washington state whom I have run with in races, and I think have run that race.


I never carried a camera when I raced - never carried much of anything other than a water bottle and a flashlight at night. But that wasn't your question. On the informal runs I have been doing lately, I have been carrying an Olympus Stylus 725 SW. Lightweight, and you can drop it in a stream and (supposedly) it will survive. It's adequate to the task, although the lack of a viewfinder is problematic in bright sunlight.


Post yourself on a flat or downhill. If you catch the runners coming uphill, they will in fact be walking, and it won't look impressive.


Splotchy sunlight coming through the trees and strange shadows on the faces can give the pictures a "tough" look, which might be desirable.


Warn the runners if you are going to take a flash shot at night. After you have been running all day, you aren't thinking clearly and may react unfavorably to a surprise. Flash shots at night can yield some very ghostly facial expressions, and any shots taken late in the race may feature blood and dirt on the body.


I agree that the telephoto probably isn't necessary, unless there is some special vantage point above a waterfall or some such thing you want to do.


Here is a shot I took with my Olympus on a 35 mile fastpack through Zion NP last May<div>00O6pe-41182484.jpg.2e6e5cf229fcefff993ae02f563efda4.jpg</div>

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What a small world we live in Alex! I'm sure I'll see some of your friends cruising around the trails. This is a beautiful race, most daring route up to date for this edition and it seems as though they will be heading south next year, towards Corcovado and Golfo Dulce, amazing rainforest here in Costa Rica.


This race will be a lot of fun. I will not be taking the long range, will take it but leave it in my gearbox. I will use Nikon 18-200 VRII for mostly everything.


I will be using the D2H body and will have a D70 as a backup in the media vehicle.


Thanks for the bottom of the hill tip. as a matter of fact, day 1 i will be shooting quite a bit of the runners coming down of 'cerro chato' an extinct volcano next to Arenal, which is active. Am hoping for sun, but you never know here :). will use flash during the day at trails. no night running on this event. won't be taking tripod as for i'll have to do quite a bit of bushwhacking and running, and only the D2H considerably heavy equipment, plus the lens and an extra wideangle, food, water, 1st aid kit, etc, etc.


i'll be posting some shots the 1st week of feb, thanks for the advice everyone. I'm off to the woods...

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