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So I fly to Portland to buy an M7


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and end up with this:


<img src="http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f158/mharris660/GoldenMonkey-1.jpg">

Zeiss Ikon and 28mm Biogon.


The price of a new M7 was 4000 dollars and I was able to get a new Zeiss body

and lens for almost half that. Every shop I went in to said, "Why bother with

an M7 when you have an M3?" I told them I wanted a metered body and they showed

me the Ikon.


So far I really like it, the viewfinder is great! Anyone else using the Zeiss?

What's your favorite lens for it?

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Your Zeiss RF looks very nice in black. I had a 28mm f/2.8 Biogon for my Contax G1 years ago, before I went to Leica. It was a great lens and I bet your Biogon is at least as good. I'm sure your outfit will fully match Leica M optical quality. The next Zeiss lens to get is the 50mm f/2.0 which will also give nothing up to Leica in terms of optical performance.
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Ronald it's been a very long time since I've been in a camera store, I live in a very small town. My wife and I decided to fly over to Portland Oregon to get a new printer and take advantage of tax-free shopping. We needed a break away after the holidays.


I loved walking around looking at all the cameras I've only seen pictures of, one store even had an M8. I got to see the new Nikon D3 also. Miles and miles of camera stuff.

One store called Blue Moon had some amazing old stuff and they still did 1 hour optical film developing. The little 4X6 prints they turned out were amazing. The have a display set up down the street in a little cafe of some of the prints they've done for people.


In one case I saw more Canon IVsb and 7s than I've ever seen. Neat store if you ever make it to Portland.


After playing with a M6, an M7, and then the Zeiss I went with it, the savings was just too great and the bottom line is it will still take pictures just like an M7.

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it is a very mice camera. i have mine in a luigi case which gives it protection, heft and

gripability. highly recommended. however, the camera is by no means the equal of my M7 in

terms of build quality and finish. it is really not fair to compare the two cameras. leica does

not EVER pretend that it competes purely on the basis of functionality.

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I have growing respect for the Ikon, but I live in a US city of over 2 million people (Houston) and have yet to find one where I can handle it. I am dedicated to the M system, but it is amazing that these cameras sell as well as they do considering how difficult it is to evaluate any of them in person. From what I understand, the balance of automation in that Ikon should help make it a joy.
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Jay the owner of that store and the lady who does the website are incredibly nice. I bought an M mount 90mm Elmarit from him.


Michael I had originally went to a store called Pro Photo to buy an M6 they had listed on the web site. It had sold but they had two others with lenses. One was 2300 and the other was over 3000. I asked if they would sell body only but they said no.


Mark I remember when I lived in Galveston called The Houston Camera Exchange, are they still there? I think the Ikon is lighter than the M7 but not a lot. The Ikon seemed to have a larger viewfinder with a cool rubber ring to keep from scratching glasses. The rewind is on the bottom so it can have a longer base. Sound wise the Ikon seems a tad louder. If I make it back to Houston to visit my nephew I'll bring it and we can meet up.

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"After playing with a M6, an M7, and then the Zeiss I went with it, the savings was just too great and the bottom line is it will still take pictures just like an M7."


True, but using this preposition any camera takes pics like the M7, no? although I have an M7 and MP, I realize its pricey and would suggest to those looking to consider the M6, preferably late model.


The IKON is a nice camera and the zeiss 28 is a great performer. long after the IKON is history the M6 will continue to command position.


Best - Paul

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Is it a metallic sound like the Bessa shutters? I'm quite interested in the Zeiss, but I don't really have a chance to examine one in person. I might end up with one some time down the line...


I wonder if anyone has ever posted a recording comparing the Ikon shutter with a typical Leica shutter.

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Colin I got it from Pro Photo, those guys were also very nice to deal with. The store called ShutterBug had new Leica gear but no used stuff.


Of the four stores I visited I highly recommend Blue Moon, Pro Photo, Camera World and Shutter Bug. That's my ranking :)

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"Chris Birkett, Jan 07, 2008; 12:44 a.m.


.....I wonder if anyone has ever posted a recording comparing the Ikon shutter with a typical Leica shutter."


Yes, here, bottom of the page: http://elekm.net/zeiss_ikon/pages/body.html


The inability to find an Ikon and handle it before buying is what is steering me towards an M. I've read sooo much about the Ikon the past two weeks and corresponded with people about it too.


But, those are still other people's impressions, and I can't say how it will feel in my hands.


I'd still like to hear more from Michael about the heft (or lack of it), the focusing of the lens, and the ancillary comments about the tactile impressions.

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Fred I haven't finished the first roll yet but after using it for about 20 shots I would say it feels a lot lighter in use. The exposure lock button on the back is a very nice feature. The viewfinder is perfect, some may say the shutter speeds on the left are small but that's not a problem for me.


I would say the viewfinder in the M3 is better though, it seems bigger and brighter. They say the M3 is the best in the bizness and I agree. As for sound the Ikon is quite, not as quiet as my M3 but close. Film advance is as smooth as the M6 and 7, rewind I haven't done yet.


My only Zeiss lens is the 28mm Biogon with a small tab for focusing. It handles very well and I'll post some results soon. My CV lens and older Leica M lenses mount easily and seem to function fine. I'll add more as I use it.


LOL thanks Paul, everyplace I went said, "You have an M3, you don't need an M7". It was weird, they didn't want to sell one I guess. Every salesman I spoke to had an M3.

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