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My hairy Leica

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I bought a Leica M4 from a fellow forum member (Hi John!) and love it and have

already dragged it halfway around the world (London! Baghdad! Dubai!), dropped

it, etc.


I noticed early on that I was getting what looked like little hairs intruding

into the picture. It drove me nuts trying to figure out what they were (cloth

shutter unraveling? Nasty dust on the lens?).


I have finally figured out that it's the little black "flocking," I guess you

would call it, that's in the slot where the shutter moves. If I open the back

and hold the shutter open, I can see that some of the tiny hairs are sticking

down into the film area.


What can I do about this? They are very tiny. I have moustache scissors and

tried cutting them but they are too small, and I tried shoving them back up into

the body of the camera but as soon as the shutter was released it pushed them

back down again.


It's not the end of the world, as they are easy to clone out, but it would be

nice if they went away. Any quick fix for this, short of getting in there with a

microscope and an exacto knife?




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<i>I can see that some of the tiny hairs are sticking down into the film area.</i><p>In case you haven't yet got the one you're showing us - it is sticking *up* from the lower part of the frame. ;-) Have you tried heat to catch those, make them cringe? Not an open flame, a heated tool, rather. Just a thought and be careful...! :-)
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