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What about sharpening when adding grain

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Hi, I use a dSLR and most of my work is monochrome and now I like to add grain

to my monochrome pictures.


So, this topic is NOT meant to discuss why someone wants to add grain to a

digital image and not how to add grain (there are already quiet a few topics



What I like to know is where in your workflow you add grain. I guess at the

end ?

But what about sharpening ? Is it wise to sharpen after one has added grain ?

And what then about the theory of output sharpening (which should come at tha

last step in the workflow) ?


Just one thing : should one add grain to the 'original' file (at full

resolution) ? What happens then to the grain when resizing (to for example 25%

of the 'original' file) ?


Thanks for your feedback, Marc.

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It's not too expensive to make a test print or two. For me it depends on the look I want, sometimes it can be fun to sharpen after adding the grain, sometimes not.


What happens at resizing? Try it. I apply grain at print resolution.

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