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Readyloads in Quickload Holder


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Kodak emulsions/enveloped will not work in the Fuji holder. Fuji

quickload envelopes can be used carefully and sucessfully with the

Kodak holder. My experience and rationale for my choice of holder

(Readyload) follows:




I have used Fuji Quickloads in the Kodak holder, as well as Kodak

Readyloads. I got the holder used, and once I dissasembled it and

pulled a stuck envelope clip out of the pressure plate well, I have

had zero bad exposures--no fogging, nothing.




I don't believe that the majority of people who malign the Kodak

holder are using it properly. Calumet Photographic has a good on-line

tutorial to help new users that far surpasses Kodak's included

documentation. I don't have the URL handy, but it can easily be found

using the search engine at www.calumetphoto.com.




I'm not trying to twist your arm or start an online p*ssing match

about which system works best, simply providing my experience with the

Readyload system. I believe that if you approach it properly and

thoughtfully, you'll have good results.




When I add my experience to the greater number of useful emulsions

available for Readyload (and since I use Quickload as well, I get to

keep Velvia) and the fact hat you can't go the other way (Kodak

emulsions in Quickload holder), the choice was very easy for me.





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