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Infra Red


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As a novice pphotographer I'm still in the throes of experimentation - often

well beyond my ability :-). I'd really like to 'play around' with infrared;

can anyone recommend filter(s) suitable for use with a Pentax K100D and a Fuji

Finepix S6500fd ?


Thanks in advance,



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A good filter to start with is a Kodak Wratten #89B. It's very deep red (almost opaque) and

should return some decent infrared effect. Depending on the size of the front element of

your lens, you may want to buy the 4"X4" instead of the 3"X3".


Also remember that you will need to compensate focus with this filter; and don't stop

down the lens too far, diffraction is worse with infrared wavelengths than with visible light.

And use a tripod.


Happy shooting!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Kevin, as ever I'm throwing myself into experimenting with the kit I 'aquired' a short time ago. I'm afraid that I'm still attempting to sprint before I can walk but I'm having so much fun that I'm not too worried.

I wonder if you help with another question ? I notice that a number of uploaded phographs under the heading 'infra red' have a marvellously toned colour dded - how is that effect produced ?


Best Regards,


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