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R2400 CIS for occasional user?

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I've read some reports that say that continuous inking systems may be prone to

clogging unless they are used on a consistent basis. Has anyone experience with

a CIS for the R2400 which won't clog even if unused for several weeks?


Workarounds which I've seen described are to put the printer on a timer so it

gets powered on once a day, though I'm not clear whether this does anything for

nozzle cleaning? And I know there is/was a utility for Windows machines which

prints a test image once a day or so. I recall that the link to the utility was

dead, or maybe I found that it didn't setup properly, or it didn't work for some

other reason (I forget: old guy brain, not as reliable in the memory department

as I'd like it to be but regardless it was a dead end).

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I used a CIS for a short time with an older Epson, but it eventually clogged irreparably, and several hundred dollars went down the drain. the consensus I read is that CIS and occasional use do not go together. I'm using an Epson 2400 now, and am so delighted with the results that I am happy to pay the price for the cartridges.
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